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The roar that Austin's muzzle had goosebumps rising up on my arm and a shiver running down my spine.

Austin paws at the ground just as Malachi steps into view, pulling down the hood of his robe.

Even seeing his smiling face standing just at the edge of the trees doesn't stop my heart from continuing to beat wildly in my chest. My body fights off the cold fear that had washed over me as Austin lets out another growl toward him.

"Was it something I said?" Malachi laughs again, watching as Austin shoots him a deadly look before walking towards where he left his clothes and moving behind the trees.

"You scared me!" I step forward and slap his arm, "He could have attacked you!" I point to where Austin had stalked off to and even though it did little to affect him, I slapped his arm again, giving him my own death glare.

"I can handle my own, Little Red," his laugh rings through the trees and he lifts his arm to show his muscle even though it is hidden underneath the loose fabric of his robe.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. he may think it is some big joke but Austin looked seriously mad. Not to mention Malachi interrupted a moment between Austin and me.

"Next time I'm going to bite you, asshole," Austin marches towards us and I can feel the anger radiating off him as he stops just inches in front of Malachi, "What are you doing out here anyway?" he practically demands glancing briefly at the robe.

"I hate these fucking robes," he mumbles crossing his arms over his chest while still glaring at Malachi.

"The council is on their way, I just arrived first," he shrugs ignoring Austins last comment before tossing an arm around my shoulder while looking between the two of us, "What were you two doing out here?"

I can hear the teasing in his voice and noticed the mischief that crossed his features as he waits for an answer.

I toss his arm off my shoulders, trying to hide the betrayal of my body as the blush rises on my cheeks. It feels like a sunburn, warming my body as I look at the trees to my right as if they were suddenly dancing.

"I was showing Mia that we're not all the monsters she believes us to be," Austin's words sound so casual and my head snaps to face him, my eyes searching his face but he's impossible to read.

I know that's how it seems to him, that I think they're all monsters, but hearing him say it so nonchalantly makes it sound so... I don't know but I don't like it.

Doesn't he realize the enormity of what happened only minutes before Malachi appeared? How can he act as if my entire perception didn't just change as quickly as he did? I want to say something - want to clarify, but something stops me. A voice that tells me I should wait until Austin and I are alone to have this conversation.

"Right," Malachi draws out the I sound while narrowing his eyes slightly, but his smirk widens.

"Well, Jax is calling for me," Austin says after a beat of silence, finally meeting my gaze, "He wants me there to greet the council. You ready, Mia?"

He reaches out for me, but before I can take a breath, Malachi grabs his hand in a shake as if it had been intended for him all along.

"Oh sure, go ahead. Mia and I will be behind you," he says with an easy smile, dropping Austin's hand and throwing his arm around me again.

I look between the two of them quickly wondering why Malachi wants Austin to go ahead of us. I'm torn, wanting to detach Malachi from me and step into Austins arms but at the same time, I'm not sure I want to greet the council right now.

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