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"Hey, I gotta do something in town, wanna come with me?" Emily says after everyone else left, "Just to get out of the house, you know. I mean, I didn't even realize you'd been in here the whole time until Harp told me. I assumed -"

She trails off, looking at her shoes with a shrug. I don't blame her though, not really anyway. Yes, it would have been good information to have that I was free to leave the room if I wished, but I didn't exactly ask.

She didn't know what I had been through and I didn't know their ways. It was a miscommunication on both sides and yes it sucked, but not negligent.

"I'd like that," I smile, moving to grab my shoes from where I had left them by my bed, following Emily out the door.

The difference between Caspian and Jaxon's pack is obvious just by spending longer than a few minutes outside of the room. Caspian's house was like a museum, quiet and cold in a way that made me feel uneasy.

Here, there are people everywhere. I can hear the voices of women chattering in the kitchen as we pass. People coming and going from the front door, laughter, and jokes from every angle.

"There are so many people here," I mumble, looking to Emily as she waves and smiles at some of the people we pass, "Jax doesn't mind so many people in his house?"

"This isn't just his house, I mean yeah he lives here but so do a lot of us. It's a packhouse," Emily squints as we step outside, the cool air filling my lungs instantly. Yup, it will definitely snow soon.

Emily must see something in my face because she laughs slightly before continuing.

"It's so easy to forget that you're here but you don't know any of this. Every pack is different, but normally a packhouse is like a clubhouse," she explains, pausing briefly like she's thinking about how to better explain, "I mean, kind of anyway. Anyone in the pack is welcome and the Alpha' office is here but he's not the only one who lives here. Lotus didn't have one?"

"I guess it's possible. I didn't get to explore off of the Alpha's property," our feet crunch on twigs as we walk alongside the path.

"Oh," Emily is quiet a moment before looking at me again, "Well, let's enjoy today and we will start going over everything tomorrow, okay?"

I nod, happy to be outside, and to have someone to talk to. Even idle chit chat about the weather and talks about my traveling with Malachi beats sitting in a room alone staring at the same four walls as the hours' pass.

I missed the sound of nature and until this moment, I didn't realize how much. There is just something about being outside, among the birdsong and wind that makes you forget your troubles and just be.

We turn from the trees and the city comes into view and it's even more charming than when Malachi and I drove through it. It reminds me of a Christmas card, the only thing missing is the snow. Couples stroll hand in hand in front of the stores, goofy smiles on their faces as they talk and laugh.

There are a few scattered groups chit-chatting as the sun slowly moves around the sky. It's so peaceful, so simple, so...homey.

As weird as that sounds in my head, it's the best way to describe this place. Everyone seems so comfortable here and I hate to admit it, but I could see myself living here or a place like this. And I know without a doubt, my mom would have loved it here. She was all about family and a sense of community. This place would have been a haven for her - maybe that's another reason that I like it so much.

"Here we are," Emily opens the door to a small shop, The Dapper wolf printed on the door. 

"Hey, Gretta!" She calls just as the bell chimes with our arrival. The smell of fabric and something else, something sweet hits my nose as I take in the dress boutique before me.

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