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I could hear something lightly knocking on wood, but I ignored it, snuggling deeper into the pillows. I don't know how long I've been asleep for but it seems like I had just closed my eyes when the knocking started. 

"Luna?" The deep baritone voice spoke from right beside me and I nearly fell out of the bed. I pressed my hand over my heart as if that would slow it down from its rapid beating as I looked up to see an outline of a Dex standing over me. I hadn't even heard him coming.

He didn't say anything as he stared down at me. The room was still pretty dark, so I couldn't make out his face very well to see if he was amused by what he had done. Still, I sent him a small glare as I stood up.

"You scared me, I wasn't expecting anyone to be in here," I said as I moved back to the bed.

"Apologies, Luna," Dex said simply, shifting in the darkness. After a second the shades on the window begin to raise, letting in the soft evening light of sunset filter in the room.

I can't hold in the gasp as my eyes take in the scene in front of me. If I thought sunset was beautiful while walking in the woods, I don't know what word would describe the sunset from here. The trees are cast in different colors and shadows and the sky peaking through the gaps is the pinkest sky. 

Dex clears his throat, pulling my attention from the window to him. His hands are behind his back, like something I would see in the military and even though he's looking at me, he's not making eye contact. 

"The Alpha has requested your presence at his dinner table," Dex says emotionless still looking at something just above my head. I'm not sure why it bothers me, but it does. I just can't decide if it would be impolite to say something.

I'll ask Caspian about it later.

"Oh, um, did Caspian say what time?" I'm not sure what I said, but Dex tensed at my words. 

He takes a deep breath, rolling his shoulders as if to relieve some tension. Something about the action sets me on edge, or maybe it's just Dex in general. I get this weird feeling when he's around and all these little things keep adding to my unease. 

"He is the Alpha heir. He won't hold the title until after the Luna Ceremony," Dex says curtly, "Dinner will be served as soon as everyone is present," 

My cheeks heat in embarrassment as I realize I knew that. I should have remembered but it must have slipped my mind - Wait... Does that mean that Caspian's dad is requesting me to dinner? Unease swirls in my stomach and I'm not sure why. I already was technically introduced to Atticus and Adelaide. But that was quick introduction and in front of hundreds of other people.

This would be more intimate. I would actually be meeting Caspian's parents. They're going to want to get to know me as their sons Luna.. whatever that means. 

I mean, I guess it would be the perfect opportunity to get some answers about everything. 

"Um." I look down at my outfit and cringe. It was bad enough I had to be shown to Caspian's pack in these dirty clothes. 

"There are some clothes in the closet," Dex nods towards the door as if to remind me where the closet was, "and we will be ready to escort you whenever you're ready." With a small bow, Dex turns and leaves the room as quietly as he had entered. 

Okay then, thanks Dex, I think as I move to the closet. I know it's supposedly an honor to guard the Luna but I kind of want to ask Caspian to choose someone else. 

Then again, if it is such an honor, would it be a great dishonor to ask for a new guard? Would Dex and his family be forever shamed if I asked for a new guard? Maybe I'm being unfair in my judgment though. I mean, he hasn't done anything to me and barely met me a few hours ago, and in the time I've spent maybe all of ten minutes actually around him. 

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