Sebastian Stan - your parents are emotionally abusive

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Teen reader | platonic
TRIGGER WARNING: mental/emotional abuse
Another day on set, another day you had to go home and face your parents. You said goodbye to your coworkers who you'd grown very close to while filming Marvel movies and think of as your second family. You were waiting inside of Sebastian's trailer as he was the one who drove you home everyday. He was the one you were closest to and he thought of you as the sibling he never had and you likewise.

He insisted on driving you to ensure you got back safely and obviously he wasn't going to take no for an answer so you agreed. Once he got out of the shower, you two walked to his car and as always he made sure to lock the doors once he was in and you had to stand there glaring at him for 2 minutes before he would unlock the doors again.

"When are you going to stop doing that Stan?" you said glaring at him playfully, shivering a bit from the cold. "Hmmm, never" he sassed back as you reached back for the hoodie you leave in his car because of this shit he pulls. You quickly learned that if you didn't keep a hoodie in there, he would tease you more before giving you his and so you went with the easier option. You enjoyed your last minutes of fun before he pulled up in front of your house.

You sighed and hugged him, not ready to deal with your parents. "You alright kid?" he asked and you nodded. "Just tired" you lied. You felt guilty for lying but you couldn't have him or any of the cast finding out. You didn't want to bother them. You said your goodbyes and went up to the door, hesitating a but before entering, ready for whatever shit your parents decide to pull.

"You're late" your dad said sternly, eyes burning into your head. "Filming ended a bit late" you tried to defend yourself but of course they would turn it on you. "Probably because she couldn't get her take right and held everyone up, you're so bad at it, why do you even bother trying" your mum spat, your dad agreeing. You didn't even bother trying to defend yourself and started to make your way up the stairs but your parents had other ideas.

"Did we say you could go? Sit down" your dad called and you sighed. You went over and sat opposite them at the table. "That was incredibly disrespectful of you, we didn't even finish, we didn't raise you to be such a failure, why couldn't you have picked a real job where you wouldn't be so shitty, well, not as shitty as you are now" your dad started and you felt tears starting to prick your eyes.

"He's right, when are you even going to be your 'big break'? You've been acting for how many years now? No one knows who you are. And you're even bothering that person who drives you back every night, can't you just walk? Last I checked you still had legs. How worthless can you be? You're also gaining some visible weight, lay low on the snacks, I bet you don't even eat anything healthy" your mum added and you just say there, taking in all of their words. Whatever self esteem you had left came crumbling down at your feet.

After about an hour of degrading, insulting and shaming, they finally let you go up to your room. Once you closed the door, you broke. You sobbed until your eyes stung and voice was raspy but the tears didn't want to stop. Everything pent up was being let loose and you felt pathetic. You wondered if Sebastian really felt annoyed having to take you back every day and he was just pretending to be nice. Your mind obviously wasn't thinking logically at the moment, your parents words were the only thing swirling around in your brain.

You stood up, swayed a little from exhaustion, went over to your bed and sobbed until you fell asleep. Which wasn't until around 3am.

You woke up the next day feeling just as exhausted as last night due to the lack of sleep and mental exhaustion but you hoped it wouldn't affect your performance on set. You were filming an intense action scene today and you performed most of the stunts yourself because you could and because you didn't want another person to be potentially hurt even though that's a stunt double's job.

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