Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan - you're stressed

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Request for LaurynM17 🥰🥰🥰
Teen reader | platonic
Today was one of your rare days off from filming and instead of spending it with your castmates, you were currently shut in your trailer, surrounded by a mountain of books, looming deadlines and your teachers seemed to have no mercy that you also had to film during your free time and was doing school online and instead of keeping the work minimal, they seemed to set more and more work for you, which was highly unfair and you were swimming with responsibilities.

You handed in the assignment you had been working on for the last three hours and wanted nothing more than to burn your laptop in a bonfire after seeing the remaining 12 assignments you had due by the end of the week. You opened a new document and was about to begin working on another essay when a knock interrupted you, followed by Sebastian's head popping up at the window. His smile quickly turned into a frown once he saw all the books surrounding you and motioned you to open the door.

You dragged yourself over to the door and unlocked it to reveal not only Seb but Chris standing there smiling at you. "We've been texting you non stop but you didn't answer" Chris explained their appearance at your trailer and you mentally slapped yourself. "Sorry, was doing school and had my phone on silent" you mumbled and gave them and awkward chuckle before turning around and going back to the essay.

They both gave each other a look when you weren't paying attention and they took in your appearance. They then noticed your eye bags from working on school the night before, the frizzy hair sticking out from your messy bun, your slightly bloodshot eyes from the exhaustion and how your back slouched in an effort to curl into yourself.

"Maybe we can hang here instead?" Seb asked as an excuse to stay and keep an eye on you but you shook your head. They were like brothers to you and you would have loved to drop everything and hang with them if it were any other time but right now you couldn't afford to take a break. "Sorry guys, maybe another time, there are so many deadlines coming up, and I can't afford to relax right now" you said, not taking your eyes off the screen and continued gliding your fingers over the keyboard.

Both men visibly frowned at your answer, knowing that you were exhausting yourself, which would damage your health badly. "You're overworking yourself love, you need a break whether you like it or not" Chris tried again but you still shook your head no. "I have to finish these" you stated, determined not to fall behind again. Chris walked over and looked at the list of assignments and sighed. "These essays all basically have the same idea, why are they setting you so much work?" he huffed, clearly unhappy with the workload they were giving the students.

The two men gave in for how and sat on your sofa in silence, watching you type as fast as you could. A few hours went by and they were getting more worried until they heard a small sniffle, which made them snap. Chris immediately crouched down to face you while Sebastian pulled out his phone, ready to give your principle one hell of a lecture.

Chris in the mean time was not happy with the sight in front of him. You had tears streaking down your cheeks and more unshed ones brimming your waterline, yet you still desperately tried to put words on the documents. "Hey there" Chris said softly and took your hands from the keyboard. He wiped away a stray tear with the pad of his thumb and brought you in for a hug, letting you sob into his chest. Sebastian re entered the trailer, nodded to Chris to say he handled it, then went to save the work on your laptop and closed it, then began packing away your books neatly into the corner.

You were too busy breaking down to even notice all this was going on. All you could take in was Chris's hand on your back, trying his best to comfort you. "I've talked with your principle Y/N, they agreed to excuse you from the upcoming deadlines and agreed to give out less work to you and in general so that you wouldn't be overwhelmed". Sebastian said, kissing the top of your head.

You stared at him with tears still racing down, not able to believe him. You'd begged your teacher to extend your deadlines but none of them let up. How could he have done it, and for other students as well? Seeming to read your mind, he patted your head and chuckled. "Well when the winter soldier himself calls, the school can suddenly cut off the workload a bit" he said smirking as Chris shook his head, very amused.

Tears brimmed your eyes again but this time for a different reason and threw your arms around him. They both quite literally made all your problems go away and you were so thankful. "I owe you guys a batch of brownies" you chuckled through the tears and managed to calm your breathing. "Normally I wouldn't take return favors but I wouldn't pass on brownies" Chris teased.

"Also, while I was making some calls, I arranged for us three to go to Disneyland! We're taking a road trip on our weekend off" Seb announced which put a very wide smile on both yours and Chris's face but before you could say anything, Chris beat you to it. "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY" he yelled, eliciting a good belly laugh from both you and Sebastian. "I thought the trip was for me but okay" you retored, earning an eye roll from Chris but at least now you could relax and have fun instead of having a mental breakdown and shaving your head.

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