Sebastian - you have body dysmorphia

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Request for AneliseBarnes ❤❤
TRIGGER WARNING: body dysmorphia, mild anorexia
Teen reader | platonic
You were never one to spend too much time caring about your appearance and was unknown up until you miraculously landed a role in the MCU, which gained you your popularity over night when Iron Man 1 came out and your popularity only grew as the movies kept coming out. Every single aspect of your life was suddenly under the public eye, which meant your appearance suddenly mattered whenever you left the comfort of your own home.

As the time went on, you found that if you weren't looking pristine 24/7, someone online would have something to say about you. At first, you thought it was stupid, as celebrities were humans after all, not Barbies so you didn't pay that much attention but the more famous you got, the more hate comments regarding your body you got and inevitably, the more insecure you got.

You started wearing wide leg jeans to hide your legs and baggy t-shirts to hide your figure, styling them to make them look nice and since no one could see your figure anymore, the comments died down for a while. However after some time, people started saying that you never wore clothes that showed off your figure, in your mind it meant they thought your figure was ugly, and you were terrified that the hate comments would start rolling in again.

You were an actor for Marvel so of course, you worked out a lot but you saw that that didn't affect the hate comments at all. As time went on, you hated the way you looked more and more in the mirror. You hated your hip dips, which you previously didn't even notice. You hated the way your stomach stuck out, you hated the way your hips were wider than your chest and you kept picking out more and more things about yourself to hate.

You were horrified of the amount of comments that would come in if you didn't start wearing clothes that showed off your figure and since working out wasn't working, you resorted to the only other option you thought you had. You limited your diet.

You only ate dinner, cut off breakfast completely and barely at lunch, only when there were many people at the table so no one would notice. After a while, you started wearing clothes that showed off more of your figure and the comments started to roll in. The majority of them still commented on how awful they thought your body was but some of them complimented you, which drove you to continue your harmful dieting habits.

Today was a day off and the cast decided to go to the pool. Which meant everyone was going to be in their bathing suits. Yay. How fun.

So you're currently standing by the food in your baggy T-shirt and sweats while everyone else was splashing in the pool and having fun. You hated that you had let the comments control you but anything would be better than having people think you're the ugliest person in the world. You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around to punch whoever it was as a reflex but it was only Sebastian and he caught your hand on time.

"You scared the living shit out of me! And I could've broken your nose and Marvel would sue me for breaking Bucky's nose" you said and he rolled his eyes, lowering your fist and chuckling. "Well I'm sorry your majesty" he said and it was your turn to roll your eyes. "Loser" "punk".

You were both silent for a minute and you were waiting for him to ask you why you weren't in the pool. You counted down from 3 in your head and just on cue, he asked. "Why aren't you in the pool, and you're in sweats and a t shirt in this god forsaken heat". "I don't know, I'm just not up for it" you replied, looking away. Sebastian knew this was false however because you told him about your love for swimming and he knew by the way you looked away from him that you were lying. Sebastian knew you better than anyone on set, since you were the closest to him, which wasn't very useful for you right now.

"You know you could've said you were on your period and it wouldve been more believable" he stated as a matter of factly and you silently murdered yourself for not thinking of that. "Would you believe me if I said that now?" "Probably not" "I'm on my period" you said and he rolled his eyes. There was alot of eye rolling for anyone involved in a conversation with you.

"Now that we've established I don't believe you, would you want to telling me the real reason kid?" he asked more seriously, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into a side hug. "No actually I don't want to" you deadpanned and you guessed it, Seb rolled his eyes. "It's okay if you don't want to, but I'm staying here with you. I'm not leaving you bored and alone" he shrugged.

You knew he was just gonna stand there until you told him what was wrong since that was what he always did when you didnt want to tell him something so you rolled your eyes and dragged him inside, to which he returned a victory smirk, which you quickly threatened to slap off of his face.

You flopped face down on the couch on the living room and felt Seb's hand on your back. You liked how he made sure you talked but let you do it at your own pace and didn't pressure you to tell him if you really didn't want to. You turned to your side to face him but didn't really make eye contact. You opened your mouth but closed it again, not really knowing where to start. "Are you trying to tell me you're a fish?" Seb teased after a couple times of you opening and closing your mouth so ease your mind and you chuckled a bit. "Shut up stupid" you said to which he smiled.

You honestly didn't know how to start so you just unlocked your phone to show him the hundreds of screenshots you took of the comments, each one getting worse. You buried your face back in the couch pillows as Seb read the comments, not wanting to meet his eyes. You felt tears burning at the back of your eyes and you thanked all the gods in existence for your ability to quietly cry.

After a while you felt a hand on your back, rubbing circles to comfort you. "Hey kid, look at me?" he asked. You shook your head since tears were making their way down your cheeks without your consent. The audacity. "Please doll?". Reluctantly, you turned to face him and his features softened. "I know you won't believe me, but these comments are nowhere near true, even if it feels like they are". "I used to never care what I looked like, but suddenly everyone knows what I look like, and that's all they care about. They pointed out flaws I didn't even know existed" you said, tears increasing with every word you said.

Seb pulled you close and held your head against his chest, wrapping his arms around you to as if to protect you from the world. "You read them over and over again and your brain starts to think it's actually true. Remember when I believed them?", you nodded your head sniffling, remembering when Seb had body dysmorphia from the "fans" which you quickly went on a rampage on social media defending him. You smiled a bit at the vulgar paragraph you wrote.

"I know you're thinking about the paragraph which was not my point" he said and ruffled your hair. "They're just hiding behind a screen, projecting their insecurities on you. I have standards, you really think I'd be friends with someone "ugly"?" he teased and you laughed. He lifted your face and wiped away the tears stains on your face.

"You may not believe it immediately, but you are perfect, alright?" he gave you a small smile and kissed the top of your head. You returned a small smile and laid your head back on his shoulder. "Do you want to head back outside? You don't have to change into your bathing suit, I can just throw you into the pool like this" he suggested and you just nodded without thinking.

"Wait what? Seb?" you protested but it was too late. He had already picked you up and carried you over his shoulder. "Sebastian fucking Stan I will rip off your head if you throw me in that pool!!!!" you yelled and right as you ended that sentence, you felt yourself hit a body of water.

"You're dead" you said, climbing out as Seb took off laughing as the others were filming, also laughing at your unfortunate circumstances, and probably as a proof video is Sebastian were to get murdered by your hands.

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