Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan - you're having a seizure

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Request for Beautifulwritingby 🥰🥰
Teen reader | platonic
Your scene was coming up next but no one could find you anywhere. People have looked in the dressing room, at the coffee stand, basically every single square inch of the set and Seb and Chris have been trying to call you for the past 15 minutes but to no avail and they were getting worried.

They'd seen you on set previously but you said earlier you had to go get something and they haven't seen you come back yet, which was odd because you were always so on time. "Chris, we haven't checked her trailer" Sebastian realized and Chris slapped himself for not remembering your trailer still existed.

They told the director where they were going and a few minutes later, they were knocking at your door, but receiving no reply. Chris had a feeling that something wasn't right so he twisted the door knob, very relieved to find it unlocked but that relief quickly vanishes when he sees you on the floor.

Chris rushes to your side while Seb runs at top speed to get the set doctors, not knowing what was wrong with you. Both of their anxiety levels peaked. Having filmed many films with them both and developing a strong bond between you, you were like their sister and they were incredibly protective of you, so seeing you withering on the floor scared them to death.

Chris was still fretting over you as Seb arrived with the set doctor and he pulled Chris out of the way so they could take a look at you. The doctor rolled you over so you were laying on your side and told them that you were currently having a seizure and that all they could really do is wait for it to finish but told them that they should remove any objects and furniture around you that you could injure yourself with, remove your glasses and place a soft item under your head and roll you over to the side if it happens again.

Chris and Seb stopped panicking since they knew now what was going on with you but that didn't make them worry any less. They sat with you for a couple more minutes and you stopped withering and was unconscious. Then a couple more minutes then you started to slowly wake back up. Your head was pounding and you felt both mentally and physically drained.

"Hey there kid, how you feeling?" Sebastian asked, pulling you into his side. "like shit" you said and laid your head against his chest. It wasn't like you could do anything else. "Crap, the scene, my scene was next" you remembered and started to panic but Chris quickly reassured you he texted the directors and had offered you the rest of the day off which you gladly accepted.

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