Chris Evans - you have ADHD/Tourettes

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Request for Katie5848 ❤❤
Today was the last and final day on the set filming Endgame and excitement was buzzing in the air. It was bittersweet since a lot of the contracts were ending but it was an exciting atmosphere nonetheless. You had gotten to set a bit early to watch the crew set up the scenes and equipment and you could help but smile. You could already smell the tics from a mile away because they increased when you're more anxious or excited and today you were both.

You walked around saying hi to the crew, letting out a whistle, a click of the tongue here and there. The crew weren't phased by your tics and just greeted you like they normally do, all except one. Apparently there was one new crew member today and you being the friendly person you were, went up to them and said hi. You let out another whistle and clapped as you were saying hello and you didn't miss the condescending look they gave you. You just ignored it and waved, then walked away, not giving it much thought.

More and more of the cast started to show up, you hugged and greeted every single one of them, tics increasing as more people arrived but no one minded. Then the person you've waited for the most arrived. "Chris!" you yelled and ran up to him. He laughed and caught you, then spun you around. "Missed waking up to you today" he said, planting a kiss on your lips. "Came down early to *whistle* check out the set" you smiled and he chuckled. "Only you would be excited to wake up at 6am darling".

The day went on as you all filmed the final scenes, goofed around as usual and shed some tears after the director confirmed the last scene was good to go, which officially wrapped up the filming. You ran up to the crew to say goodbye first and when you reached the new member from earlier, they took a step back and glared at you. You still wanting to be friendly held out your hand for them to shake.

"Don't even think about touching me you weirdo" they said with a low voice, making sure that no one else heard. Now you have a pretty thick skin and didn't think that your tics were something to be ashamed of so after letting out one more whistle, you smirked and said as loud as you could. "Did you just tell *whistle* me to not touch you *tongue click* and call me a weirdo!!!"

You smirked as you watch the colour drain from their face as everyone turned to look in your direction. Before you could even react, Chris stormed over and glared at them straight in the eye. "First of all, say that about Y/N again and every single person in this room will be hot on your tail, second of all, it's not us you should be worried about, it's Y/N, they won't hesitate to end your career" he said then casually slung his arm around your shoulder.

You were grinning from ear to ear as you turned back to the new crew member. "Go on, I'll accept the apology" you said and watched as they scurried away after mumbling a half assed apology. Everyone laughed and slowly went back to their conversations.

You turned to Chris and smiled, as he placed a gentle kiss on your nose. You suddenly slapped his face and put a hand over your mouth to stifle a laugh. "If you hate me just say so" he said but his lips tugged into a fond smile, and he simply just kissed you again.

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