T. Hiddleston, C. Evans, Sebastian, Anthony - anxiety

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Teen reader | platonic
Request for quiet_mushroom ❤❤❤
You were laughing along with Tom, Chris, Anthony and Seb at one of the fan questions and you were making fun of them for not understanding gen Z slang as you felt anxiety slowly creep up your spine right in the middle of this infinity war panel. You silently cursed yourself and forced yourself to laugh for a few more seconds before calming down and you sunk back into the seat.

You began picking at your nails and hoped that the following few questions had nothing to do with you so you could at least try to calm yourself down but with your luck, obviously that wasn't gonna happen.

The next question was directed at Chris so you had a bit of time to calm your nerves. You leaned back against the chair and took a deep breath, hoping that none of the fans notice, but that did little to ease your anxiety.

You felt someone nudge you on your arm gently and looked over to see Sebastian giving you a questioning look. You subtly shrugged to assure him everything was fine, but instead he raised his eye brows, telling you he didn't believe you one bit.

You reached for a pen on the table and wrote "anxiety" on your hand and showed it to him. He nodded slightly and slung his arm casually around your chair so he could rub small circles on your back without drawing attention from the audience.

You relaxed a bit at the touch but were still tense. You felt him tap you again on the shoulder and you looked to him, and he nodded toward the audience, where a fan was standing at the microphone looking at you. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I must have zoned out" you said frantically and hid your face in your hands.

You peeked over at Sebastian to see him laughing and you jabbed him in the side, to which he responded with more laughter. Tom, Anthony and Chris were laughing too as well as the audience and you groaned, letting slip a small chuckle. "Could you please ask the question again please" you said to the fan. "My question was, which cast are you closer to, this one or the stranger Things cast?" she asked with a hint of amusement behind her voice.

Your jaw dropped and everyone continued laughing. "Well erm...they're both like families to me, it's impossible to decide" you said and the fan nodded. "Wise answer" the fan chuckled and you thanked her. The panel continued on and even though that calmed your nerves, you couldn't help but feel a little jittery, so you picked at your nails.

You felt Sebastian rub your back like before and this time, Tom reached over and took one of your hands in his and traced circles on it with his thumb. You also saw Chris and Anthony smiling at you but he was sat too far away to reach you.

The rest of the panel went on like this and by the end of it, your nerves have almost completely calmed down and as a thank you to them, you bought them all McDonald's for a night in. With Sebastian's money.

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