Chris Evans - a crew member makes you uncomfortable

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TRIGGER WARNING: mild sexual assault
Teen reader | platonic
Sebastian has a cameo lol
You threw on a hoodie and some sweats, unplugged your phone and made your way outside, locking the trailer door and made your way to Sebastian's trailer. Seb had invited all the cast members over for a chill night since tomorrow was the first day during filming where everyone was given the day off. You knew there would be booze which means most of the adults would be drunk, meaning a lot of Instagram stories for you and the fans, which was an opportunity you would not miss.

You plugged in your earphones and hummed as you made your way through the trailer park. Since you were in a rural area, there weren't as many lights around so you could see the stars, which you ended up counting as you walked along the trail. You weren't on high alert as you didn't think there'd be any danger. The crew seemed nice enough and the cast was like family, so you didn't think much about your surroundings, so you didn't take into the account of the rustling and footsteps behind you until you felt a hand clamped on your shoulder.

You snapped your head around and saw a person you recognized as one of the people who help lay out the props for a scene. You quickly pushed his hand off you and mumbled a quick hello then proceeded to walk away. You tried to rationalize that he didn't mean to scare you and just was about to say hi but that theory didn't last as he one again grabbed you, this time on your ass.

You spun around and pushed him away, keeping him at arms length as you slowly stepped backwards. "What the fuck man?" you seethed as you quickly scanned around to look for the best direction to run. Before you could say anything else however, he launched himself at you and managed to tackle you to the ground. Normally, with the training you did for the Avengers, you could have easily fought back but he took you by surprise.

You groaned as your body came into contact with the ground and you felt him hold both your hands behind your back, then clamped a hand over your mouth and rammed you against the side of a trailer. You prayed to any entity out there that there was someone in that trailer that had sensed the movement because you really didn't want to find out what happens next.

At this point, despite you struggling against him, trying your best to fight back, you could feel the panic rise inside of you regardless of your efforts to stay calm. Your efforts to stay calm though, flew out the window and you let out a scream which was muffled by his hand when you felt his other hand slither up your hoodie. Your own hands were still trapped behind your back as he kept you pressed onto the trailer with his whole body weight so all you could realistically do was hope it would end soon.

You didn't even register a voice calling your name nor the weight being lifted off you. You didn't even register Chris right in front of you with his hands on your face after knocking out the prick who assaulted you. Thankfully Chris got there before it escalated even further but you still felt the need to throw up. You snapped back into reality as Chris enveloped you in his arms. You loosely returned the hug, still processing what had just happened but refusing to cry outside the comfort of your own trailer.

"Hey, he's gone, it's just Chris kid, how badly did he hurt you physically?" you heard him say gently, as he released you from the hug and held you at arms length to check for wounds. "No wounds, I'm fine, just a little shaken up, were you going to Seb's trailer?" you asked, lying through your teeth. "Yes but that's not the point. You couldn't have been okay after that, even if there were no physical wounds" Chris retorted, extremely worried about you. Your eyes we're empty and your voice was devoid of emotion, which scared him. You were usually the most cheerful and carefree person but the one standing in front of him was not you. It was a broken version and that scared him to pieces.

"I'm fine, thank you for helping, we're already late, we should hurry" you said and walked ahead in the direction of Seb's trailer, avoiding the conversation and Chris had no choice but to follow you and shut up for now.

You arrived shortly and knocked on the trailer door, still avoiding Chris's gaze as his eyes burned holes into the side of your skull. He opened his mouth but before he could say anything, the door swung open to reveal a cheerful Seb with a bottle of beer in his hand.

You gave your best fake smile, greeted him and squeezed into the trailer. Apparently your smile was not convincing enough and Sebastian gave Chris a questioning look, then followed you inside. "Hey kid you okay?" he asked quietly so it was only loud enough for you to hear. "Yeah, just a bit tired, why?" you said, hoping to convince him. He shrugged, seemingly dropping it for now.

The night went on with no one actually catching onto the fact that something was wrong with you except for Chris, obviously and Sebastian, both of whom you kept avoiding, even down to the very last minute where everyone had left, and you were the last one there.

You threw your hoodie on but couldn't find it in you to step outside of the trailer. The safety in the area that you felt earlier had disappeared and was replaced by fear that he would be waiting for you, or that he would follow you.

You flinched a bit when a hand on your shoulder caught you by surprise and you turned around to see Chris and Seb looking at you. "Cmon, I'll walk you back" Chris said as he started to put on his shoes and coat. You were about to turn around when you were pulled into a tight hug, so you guessed Chris told Seb while you were busy zoning out. He kissed the top of your head and held you until Chris finished getting ready. You all said your goodnights and started to walk back to your trailer, Chris keeping an arm around you and you not daring to keep your eyes off your surroundings.

The walk back was silent apart from the occasional flinch when you heard some rustling, to which Chris reacted by pulling you a bit closer. Instead of your trailer however, he then turned left and led you in the direction of his, earning a questioning look from you. "You're crazy if you think I'm letting you spend the night alone, plus he knows where your trailer is, I'm not taking chances. I'll get someone to organize a new trailer for you tomorrow and only the cast will know the location, not crew" he stated in a tone that let you know was final, with no room for negotiations.

Chris disappeared into his trailer and you took the opportunity to lock the door, both the key lock and the latch at the top of the door. "Do you want to take a shower?" you heard Chris ask. You could still feel his hands all over you and a shower was what you needed, so you accepted. You turned back around to look out the window, still paranoid that he would show up.

Suddenly something hit the back of your head and you turned around to see Chris trying to hide a smile and realized he threw a towel and a shirt at you. "Sleep with one eye open" you replied, a small smile tugging at your lips and Chris took that as a victory. "Gladly" he grinned. You rolled your eyes and went to the shower. You turned the water to an acceptable temperature (boiling water straight from hell), and stood there, allowing the water's very slight burn soothe you. You scrubbed your self over and over again until you felt that at least you'd washed some of him off.

Apparently you'd been in the shower for a while cause you heard Chris knocking on the door and asking if you were alright. You dried off, put on your sweats and his shirt and exited the shower and something in you just snapped when you saw Chris standing there with a sympathetic look on his face.

A tear rolled down your cheek, followed by another, and another, until you stood there full on sobbing and hugging yourself, trying to make yourself as small as possible and Chris swore he felt his heart crack right then and there. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and held you tight against him, pressing gentle kisses on your head as he let you release your emotions.

After a while, he led you over to the sofa and continued to hold you in his lap until your crying ceased to sniffles and whimpers. "Feel better?" he asked softly, wiping away the tear tracks on your face. You nodded and leaned agaisnt his chest, exhaustion catching up with you. "Can we put on a movie?" you asked, knowing you wouldn't be able to sleep without something distracting you. Chris agreed and moved to put in a Disney CD, went to retrieve some blankets and pillows from the bed, and got some snacks from the cupboard.

"Sleepover" you stated and gave Chris a smile. A small one but genuine nonetheless. He returned it and was glad you were slowly letting your guard down when you're not outside. You cuddled into his side when he took his seat and you slowly drifted off agaisnt him as the movie was playing and Chris was ready to reign hell on the dickhead that dared lay a hand on you the next day.

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