Chris Evans - you have anxiety

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Teen reader | platonic
Request for LaurynM17 ❤❤❤
TRIGGER WARNING: none I can think of
You were sitting in the waiting room with Chris and Sebastian about to do an interview panel and your anxiety did not want to cooperate. You had always had bad anxiety, especially when it comes to doing panels, sometimes it got to bad that you has to cancel some here and there but luckily for you, Chris knows just how to calm your nerves even just a bit so they now pair you with him for every interview and occasionally Sebastian since they were the closest to you out of everyone.

You felt your heart rate begin to speed up but you didn't want to bother Chris or Seb so you just sat there, desperately trying to control your breathing but it didn't work. You slowly couldn't even breathe and you started to see dots in your vision.

Chris had felt the couch shaking ever so slightly it could have been his imagination but he turned around to look at you and luckily he did. You were literally about to pass out from lack of oxygen. Quickly, Chris moved in front of you and took your hands, placing them on his shoulders so you had something to hold onto to ground yourself. Then he placed his hands on either side of your cheeks and made sure you were looking at him while Sebastian moved to rub circles on your back so his touch would to help calm and ground you.

"Hey Y/N, darling" Chris said, "you're having an anxiety attack, can you count down from 50 for me? Here we'll do it together okay? 50, 49, 48..." he started, going slower at first so you could keep up, then eventually as your breathing evened out, he counted at a normal pace so you could follow and your breathing returned to normal, but it was still slightly fast and shaky.

The moment you had been grounded, Chris picked you up and sat down with you on his lap and held you close to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you while Sebastian went and looked for something you could snack on if you were nervous during the panel.

"Hey kid, it's okay, do you know what triggered it?" Chris asked gently, waiting patiently for the answer. Usually it was because you saw the amount of people you had to speak in front of and the fact that you never know what the audience will ask but this time, sure there's still that reason but you couldn't think of anything that actually triggered it, so you shook your head and Chris nodded.

"Okay, that's okay, how about this, if at any point during the panel you feel too anxious, you can take a marker and start drawing on my arm okay?" he suggested and you looked up at him to make sure you heard him right. "Draw on you? Like with the permanent marker?" you asked quietly, still sniffling. "Yeah kid, just take my hand or arm and draw on it, it'll distract you" he said, kissing your head, then he wiped away a tear that escaped your eye.

"Yeah, okay" you mumbled and leaned against him, closing your eyes for a bit and he just held you against him, allowing you to rest for a bit before they had to do the interview.

Obviously you weren't able to rest that much but it was more than nothing before Chris shook you awake, informing you that it was time for the panel. He handed you a marker which you slipped into your pocket and you saw that Seb was already at the door. He smiled and handed you some peanuts to snack on, which you were thankful for and he gave you a much needed hug.

The three of you made your way to the panel and your hands started to get clammy. Chris noticed you fiddling with your fingers so he held your hand in his, the warmth immediately calming your nerves a bit.

The first part of the panel went somewhat smoothly, your anxiety was cooperating for once. You just had to chew on the occasional peanut now and then but overall it was fine, you could answer some questions as well but suddenly now, your anxiety decided to be a bitch and act up. A fan had just asked you a normal question and you answered, and now your mind was spinning out a million reasons why your fans would now hate your guts for that also normal answer.

Then you were suddenly aware again of just how many people there were and how your every mood was being watched and that just sent you into a spiral. Your breaths quickened and you were trying your hardest to keep your composure. You felt someone nudge you and you looked over to Sebastian, who pointed to the marker you had set down on the table and you remembered what Chris told you to do.

You managed to give Seb a smile, then reached for the marker. Chris was currently answering a question and you didn't want to interrupt but as your breathing got harder to control, you realized it was the only option. You reached for the arm that was resting on his leg and you tugged it gently towards you. He instantly got the hint and set his arm on the table, allowing you to doodle on hit with a marker without interupting the answer he was giving.

You heard a fair amount of "awws" in the crowd but right now you wanted to focus on the doodles to ground yourself. Chris finished his answer and looked over to check on you. He smiled when he saw you concentrate on drawing a small illustration of Captain America and Bucky but frowned a little when you let out a shaky breath. He knew that was a sign you were trying really hard not to cry but he didn't do anything because he knew if he did, your tears would fall, and you hate crying in front of other people, him and Seb being the exceptions.

The rest of the panel went on with either Seb or Chris answering most of your questions so you wouldn't get overwhelmed and the fans were incredibly understanding when Chris briefly explained why without revealung too much, only a simple she's a little overwhelmed, which you were grateful for.

Once the panel ended, Chris practically dragged your backstage and enveloped you into the warmest, most tight hug you get ever gotten in your entire existence. "I'm so proud of you for drawing on my arm and keeping yourself grounded kid. I know how hard it must have been and I'm so proud of you" he said gently, wiping away the tears that fell with his thumbs, then pulling you into a hug
"Now let's go get McDonald's, Sebastian is paying" he suggested seeing as it was your favorite fast food place and smirked at Seb who rolled his eyes but if it meant cheering you up, he would pay for all the McDonald's in the world.

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