Bucky - you have a nightmare

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Teen reader | platonic
TRIGGER WARNING: ptsd, minor self harm, some sexual assault
"We've given them 5 hours to figure out your location with the hints we gave them and they can bring me what we want but while we wait, we can have some fun eh" one of the guards said and the other one sneered. You spat at their face and immediately felt a rushing pain in your jaw from the punch he delivered. You've been here for 4 days only but it was tearing you down so quickly.

You were only a teenager, and you didn't know how much longer you could hold up. You felt the guard grip your face and you tasted blood in your mouth. He then ran his hands down your front to your chest and felt around. You thrashed and screamed but this only urged him on. Desperate to stop him, you bucked your head forward and got him in the chin. He stopped feeling around and you had one second of relief before he delivered punch after punch to your stomach and face. The pain spread like wildfire.

After a long while, the punching had stopped but to your horror, you heard the sound of a belt unbuckling, then the guard pulled your head back using your hair, you were too weak to fight it off. The taste was absolutely nauseating and you felt disgusted. You threw up. In less than 2 seconds, you were being held up against the wall by your throat, thrashing around and crying desperately for help.

You jolted awake and broke into a coughing fit, holding onto your throat to confirm that you weren't choking. You quickly scanned the room and recognized it as your own at the avengers compound. You're not there anymore, you're here, you're in your room. You repeated those 3 phrases in your head over and over again, until your breathing went back to somewhat normal. You looked over at the beside table and saw it was currently 2.30 in the morning. There goes my fucking sleep you thought and shakily stood up, holding onto the frame for support and made your way out to the kitchen.

Sitting down at the counter table, you put your head in your hands, finally letting the tears fall. You sat there sobbing as quietly as possible as you replayed the events that occured while you were held captive in your brain. You felt disgusted, used, violated in the worst ways possible. You balled your hands up into fists and dug the nails into your palms, trying to focus on anything else other than the stabbing pain in your chest you felt whenever you relived that moment.

"Hey kid" you heard a voice say and jumped, scanning the room for the second person. You'd always been the closest to Bucky since he joined the team so you visibly relaxed when you realized it was only Bucky on the couch. "Hi" you mumbled, resting your head back in your hands. "Come here" he said, patting the space next to him. You slowly padded over to the couch and taking your place next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder to which he responded with putting his arm around you, pulling you close.

"Nightmare?" he asked, already knowing the answer as nightmares wasn't a rare concept to him either. "Is it the same one?" he asked again after you nodded and pulled you even closer to him, providing you with as much comfort as he could. It's been 2 weeks since they brought you back and you've had the same nightmare almost every night since. Bucky had caught you up like this on the first night and you told him everything as this became a regular occurrence as you couldn't get sleep anyway. He even moved to sleep on the couch instead of his bed so he could be right there if you wandered into the kitchen at night so he could be there for you.

Bucky unwrapped his arms around you, laid down on the couch and pulled you close, your head on his chest. The moment he wrapped his arms around you again, you completely broke down and started sobbing into his chest to your heart's content, once again pressing your nails into your palms to feel in control of something but Bucky had picked up on this habit of yours so he gently pried open your fist and held your hand instead.

He let you cry into his shirt for as long as you needed, not saying anything, just rubbing small circles on your back, tellig you that he was there. Eventually your breathing slowed down and your crying had stopped. Bucky looked down to see you had fallen asleep on his chest and he wiped away the tear stains left on your cheek. He grabbed the blanket and draped it over you, making sure you were comfortable and warm.

In his time of knowing you, you've become somewhat a sister to him and seeing you this vulnerable crying yourself to sleep almost every night, he vowed to find the people who did this to you and he was determined to end them himselves, for daring to lay a single finger on you.

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