Bucky Barnes - he defends you when the team hates you (pt. 2)

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Teen reader | platonic
You actively tried to avoid the team now and had been successful until tonight. You felt extremely light headed from the lack of nutrition you've gained the past 2 weeks and you knew you needed something in your system right now but it was also the team's current dinner time, which meant they were all in the kitchen, but you needed nutrition, so you decided to take the risk.

You put on your usual long sleeve shirt and slowly made your way down the hallway to the kitchen. You faintly heard chattering, then a "Y/N is coming" from Wanda, then complete silence just as you entered. The room was filled with hatred radiating towards you and you wanted to burst into tears, but the happiness/relief that you were there which you sensed from Bucky and Bruce was what helped you keep your composure.

Trying to ignore everyone's glares, you slowly made your way over to the phone on the kitchen counter which everyone used to order food and was about to pick it up when Tony snapped "What do you think you're doing?" he snarled, making you immediately retract your hand in fear from the harshness in his voice. "I was just gonna order food" you mumbled, only loud enough for them to hear. "To hell you are, you put the team in danger because you stupidly messed up and you failed to save that innocent girl which I saw by the way, bold of you to think I will be paying for your fucking food" he ranted, raising his voice with every word.

The second he was done, you sprinted back to your room, locking yourself in and breaking down completely, a sobbing mess on the floor. You crawled over to the bathroom and shakily took out the blade from its hiding place and started the assault on your arms, with salty tears running down your face, mixing with the crimson red blood.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Bucky had had enough of the team's bullshit. "You are so fucking full of yourself" he snapped visibly pissed. "The whole lot of you except for Bruce has been acting ridiculously stupid and that was way out of line Stark. So what she lost control? She's only 16 and only been training for a year, its bound to fucking happen. And we've all messed up during missions, and injured others accidentally too. The way you're treating her is absolutely bullshit. You all swore to be her family and be there for her when you took her in Stark, to hell you are. Get off your high horses and get some fucking sense into those hollow skulls of yours." he practically yelled, taking his food with him and storming off to find you.

Before anyone could say anything, Bruce spoke up. "The day of the mission, she came in with a large gaping wound that stretched from her ribcage to her belly button, and since she didn't have super healing like you Steve or Thor, that wound was much more serious and fatal than either of yours and she begged me not to tell any of you about it because she was scared that you guys would hate her more for it." he said, clearly disappointed and went off, down to his lab, leaving the team there, realizing how badly they screwed up.

Once Bucky reached your room, he knocked a couple of times but upon hearing no noise from the inside, he asked Friday to unlock the room and he went in. He was confused when he didn't see you and was about to leave when he heard you crying in the bathroom. He set the food on the table and made his way towards you and the sight of you completely shattered his heart.

You were sat in the corner with you head resting on your knees as your body shook with sobs. Your arms were outstretched, showing the countless wounds that you had inflicted on yourself which was steadily dripping blood, making a small puddle at your feet. "Oh doll" Bucky sighed, his eyes tearing up.

At the sound of his voice, your head snapped up and his face softened. Your eyes were blood shot and puffy and your cheeks were red from the crying, hair falling loosely in front of your face. You looked like a complete mess. He reached over for a couple of towels, then wiped the blood off the floor and sat down in front of you. Then he gently took one of your arms and started dabbing at the cuts to wipe off the blood, apologizing whenever you winced.

When he was done with that arm, he moved onto the other one, doing to exact same thing with just as much care. Then he went and got the first aid kit, disinfected the cuts after washing them off with water, then finally bandaging them. Once he dealt with the cuts, he picked you up and carried you out to the bed and sat you on his lap, to which you didn't object, and he asked Friday to lock the door and not let anyone in.

He gently lifted your face with two fingers and wiped the tears away, then tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. "Talk to me doll" he said and you completely broke. You told him everything. All the hate, the guilt from hurting the team and the guilt from not being able to save the girl all building up and the more he listened, the more he was pissed at the team for treating you like this and the more he was pissed at himself for not noticing your arms sooner.

Once you were done talking and crying and your sobs had been reduced to hiccups, he reached over to the food and set it on your lap. "You need to eat doll" he said but you shook your head. "Its your food" "I already ate half like usual, I'm not hungry, that's for you" he said gently and handed you the fork. You slowly started eating and he rubbed your back as you gradually finished the food, giving your stomach some relief and easing your headache.

"Thank you" you mumbled and he looked confused. "For what doll?" "For not hating me from the start, for trying to look out for me, and for the food" you whispered, unconsciously leaning into his chest resulting in him wrapping his arms tighter around you. "Of course, that's what family does, we look out for each other, even if those pricks out there are doing a lousy job at it" he added which made you chuckle a bit and snuggle into him more.

"Cmon, we're making this right" he said and took your hand then began to lead you out. "No Bucky, please, they hate me, I can't deal with it" you pleaded but he shook his head. "I'll be right next to you doll, they need to see the damage they've did, I'm not letting them get away with treating you like this, you're one of us and they need to act like it." he cooed and you reluctantly nodded, holding his hand tight and walking slightly behind him.

You reached the living room where the team was and you were extremely confused as to why you couldn't sense any hate but before anyone could speak up, Bucky beat them to it. He reached for your arms and pulled you sleeves down to show the team the damage. "I hope you're all fucking happy with yourselves, this is not what family is supposed to do, and for the record Stark, some of these are from the guilt of her not being able to do anything for that girl even if it wasn't her fault so so not come at her or me with a she didn't care or so help me god." he fumed.

He then turned to you slightly to make sure you were okay and rolled your sleeve back down. The team sat there speechless with tears in their eyes, wondering how they could be so stupid. Steve was the first one to speak up. "We are so, so incredibly sorry Y/N, we've been acting like complete douchebags and you didn't deserve this at all. We just let our pride get the better of us and this isn't what we promised when we promised to be your family. We're so incredibly sorry and we want to be your family, properly this time, if you'll let us" he said making his way towards you with agreements coming from everyone.

Bucky instinctively moved in front of you but you gently touched his arm, saying it was okay. You went up to Steve and accepted his hug, burying your face into his chest. "I forgive you guys" you said and felt Steve breathe out a sigh of relief and hug you tighter and went back over to Bucky, who held you in his warm embrace.

It would take a while for everything to get back to normal but this was a start, and you were just happy to get your family back again.

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