Bucky - he accidentally hurts you during training

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You hated yourself for convincing yourself to stay awake after a nightmare last night because you were scared of closing your eyes again. Now, you were utterly exhausted, and you were surprised no one had commented on your under eyes from the lack of sleep for 4 days.

You just finished the debrief meeting from the previous mission and wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but you had promised Bucky you'd train with him, so you grabbed your gym bag and headed towards the elevator.

The elevator dinged open and there was Bucky himself, which you didn't even notice because you were too busy trying to stay awake.

"Y/N, I've called your name 3 times, are you okay?" he asked and you regained your composure. "Yeah, just a little sleepy that's all" you said, giving him a small smile. Bucky wasn't convinced at all but he let it slide.

You two started sparring and you surprisingly managed to stand your ground at first, considering your muscles felt like bricks and your eyelids kept trying to shut.

Just as you were about to close your eyes again, you heard a crack along with a piercing pain on your face. You were definitely awake now. "Y/N! I'm so sorry!" Bucky said, frantically scrambling to get a towel to hold to your bleeding nose. You winced as tears leaked out of your eyes, holding the cloth to your face, internally slapping yourself for now making Bucky worry too. You didn't even notice he had picked you up and was carrying you to Bruce's lab.

"Bucky I'm fine" you insisted but he was having none of it. "Bruce is going to fix you up, then I'm going to find out why you're acting like a corpse." he stated. You sighed and realized you weren't gonna be able to get out of this.

After Bruce patched you up, you tried to get out of the lab to dodge Bucky but of course, he was standing at the entrance. "I'm fine Bucky, really" you tried for the last time but he just shook his head. He led you back to your room and sat you on the bed, then he sat down opposite you. "Spill, what's got you bothered love?" he said, voice more gentle than back in the gym, which you were thankful for.

"It's nothing, it's stupid, I'm fine" you said, desperate to get out of the conversation. "Y/N, you're not fine, you have bags under your eyes and you were barely functioning, you usually could've blocked that punch easily, what's kept you up all night" he asked again and moved to sit next to you, pulling you into his side.

"I had a nightmare, I don't want to talk about it" you mumbled and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. "When was the last time you got decent sleep?" he asked, immediately empathizing with you. He knew exactly what it was like to not dare to close your eyes, afraid that you would be stuck in a loop, taunted with nightmares.

"4 days ago" you mumbled, getting sleepy from the exhaustion, Bucky's body heat and the comforting hug you were encased in, but you fought it, not wanting to face another terror.

Bucky sensed this and moved to lay back, pulling you down with him and pulled you close. You cuddled further into him, feeling nothing but safety in his arms. "Go to sleep, I'll be here to wake you up, I promise" he said softly, combing his fingers through your hair. You didn't even need to be told twice as you finally let yourself get some rest, in the safety of Bucky's arms and true to his word, he stayed with you, making sure nothing disturbed your dreamless sleep.

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