A New Neighbor

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1st POV
     I was peacefully sitting at the wooden table in my dining room eating breakfast. I was eating a [meal of your choice] and drinking a [favorite drink]. I heard a few loud noises outside, so of course I went to see what it could be so early in the morning.
As I looked out my window I saw a large truck full of furniture and boxes. I think that a new neighbor is moving in next door. The man had raven hair and looked just a bit taller than I was. He was wearing a black suit and a black tie.
I figured that I should make a gift basket, as a welcome to the neighborhood gift. I went back over to your table to sit back down and eat my delicious breakfast. Once you were finished you headed up the stairs and into my room to get ready to go to the shops downtown, to find something to welcome my new neighbor.
Once I was all dressed in my nice clothes, a white dress just a little bit longer than my knees with spaghetti straps. I also wore my favorite pair of white shoes. Then, I headed off to downtown, I walked since it wasn't that far from my house.


2nd POV
Once you arrived downtown, you tried to figure out which shops you should go to first. There were a lot of great options such as the flower shop, the clothing shop, and the furniture shop.
You decided to get a small fruit basket for your new neighbor. It had apples, pears, oranges, bananas, and a pineapple in it. You decided that it would be the perfect gift. It wasn't too expensive either. You were sure that it would be a great gift to welcome your new neighbor to the neighborhood.


You arrived back at your house and put your other things away that you got from the shops. You prepared the fruit basket to give to your new neighbor. Soon after preparing the fruit basket you were ready to go welcome your new neighbor.
You then walked out of your house, and across the street which is where your new neighbor's house was located. You then walked up onto the porch and rang the doorbell located to the right of the door. You waited patiently for an answer, which there was a black car out front so you assumed that he was home.
A few short seconds later, the door was opened by the man you had seen this morning. "Hello my name is Y/n and I'm your new neighbor and I live across the street right over there." You said. " Welcome to the neighborhood, here's a gift." You said as you handed him the fruit basket.
He didn't smile, so you weren't sure if he liked it or not. "Levi Ackerman, nice to meet you." The man said. You soon enough finished your business with your new neighbor, and headed back home. You wondered though, did the man live alone by himself?

Sorry if this chapter is kind of short, I kind of ran out of ideas for adding more detail to the chapter. The next chapter should be a bit longer than this one. But anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and follow me for more anime fanfictions and characterxreader stories.

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now