A Surprise Visit

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2nd POV

It was about a week later from the day you had to explain what happened at the party to Levi. He ended up asking you out on a date which would be next week. You were excited, but nervous at the same time. Hange was fangirling like crazy, she shipped the two of you. It was a little annoying, but it was also funny sometimes.

You got a text saying 'Hey y/n it's your brother! Me, mom, and dad are coming to see you today!' You were so excited that your family was coming to see you. You were also excited to see your younger brother Eren(he'll be your adopted brother/) , it had been 2 years since you had seen Eren and he was now fifteen years old. Mostly because he was busy when your parents came to see you.

You needed to clean your house before they came over, and make sure everything was ready for their arrival. You cleaned the majority of the rooms in your house. You also had prepared the two spare guest rooms in your house, since usually they would stay the night since it was a long drive to your house. You made the beds and made sure there weren't any kind of messes in the rooms.

You wanted to bake something for your family, so you decided to bake a cake. You started off getting the supplies that you needed, which was a box of cake mix, eggs, butter, and water or milk. You started to mix all the ingredients together in the big bowl with your whisk. Soon enough, you had a perfect texture for your cake batter. Then, you poured the batter into a cake pan and stuck it into the oven.

You wondered what time your family would be here, so you sent Eren a message asking what time he would be here. He said that they would be there at about 2:30pm, which meant you had about an hour to prepare. Soon enough, your cake was done. You took it out of the oven and let it cool for a bit, then you put the icing on the cake. All your pastry making at the cafe helped with skills like this, it was a piece of cake for you.

Once you were done decorating the cake, you put the cake into the fridge. You still had some extra batter left over though, so you decided to make some mini cupcakes. You got out the pan and put the batter into the small spaces. When you were done you put it in the oven and waited for them to finish.

In the meantime, you would double check everything, and make sure it was perfect for when your family arrived. Eventually, your mini cupcakes were done and ready to be taken out of the oven. You got them out and let them cool, then you iced them with blue and white frosting. Then you added some rainbow sprinkles.

Once you had finished icing the last mini cupcake, you heard your doorbell being rang. You were so excited to see your family today. You practically ran through your house, trying to get to the door. You almost tripped over a pair of your shoes in the hallway, but luckily you caught your balance in time. You then opened your front door to see your parents.

1st POV

My parents gave me a big hug, and so did my little brother Eren. " F/n! It's so nice to see you again!" My mom said. " It's nice to see you guys too!" I said. I invited my parents inside to sit down in the living room. " Wow y/n, you really keep this place clean. I wonder why your room at our house couldn't be like this all the time." My dad said, earning laughs from me, Eren and my mom. "Well it does take quite a bit of work." I said.

I had two couches in my living room, I sat down on the one that Eren was sitting on and my parents sat on the other couch. I also had a chair in my living room, but that was in case a lot of people came over. "So, f/n how have you been?" Eren asked. "Pretty good, how about you guys?" I asked. " Nothing  much has changed since the last time, except for we were thinking about moving somewhere around here closer to you." My dad said. "Really?!" I asked, I was happy and surprised. " Yeah, it would save us such a long drive, we wouldn't have to drive near as much time as we do already to get here." My mom said.

"That's awesome!" I said. " It does mean that i wouldn't get to see my friends Mikasa and Armin that often, but I'm willing to do it so I can see you more y/n." Eren said. "Awwww, Eren that's so sweet!" I said. Then I heard my doorbell ring again, for the second time today. I got up to go check and see who it was. I opened the door to see Levi. "Hey Levi, wanna come in?" I asked. "Sure." He said. I then walked back into the living room, with him following behind me. " Who is this young man y/n?" My mom asked. " This is Levi, my-" I paused for a moment, because I was unsure about our status, were we friends or more than friends? " Boyfriend." Levi said.

My face turned as read as a tomato, yet again. My parents were looking at me with smiles on their faces, especially my mom. "Y/n, you didn't tell us that you had a boyfriend!" My mom said. "W-well it's a fairly new relationship." I said trying not to make things awkward, plus I was a little nervous. " I see." My mother said. "Levi these are my parents, M/n L/n and D/n L/n," I said. "It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. L/n." Levi said. "Oh honey, please call us D/n and M/n." My parents said. " Oh and, this is my little brother Eren!" I said. " Nice to meet you Eren." Levi said. "Nice to meet you too Levi." Eren replied.

Me, my family, and Levi talked for about 30 more minutes, then I had remembered the cake and the cupcakes I had made earlier. " Oh, I almost forgot I made a cake and some cupcakes earlier. Does anybody want some?" I asked. Everyone said yes, so I showed them where my dining room was, and they sat down. I got the cake and cupcakes out of the fridge and took them to the table. I also grabbed some paper plates and forks to use for the cake and cupcakes. I placed everything onto the table and sat down.

My family started cutting the cake and distributing it. They soon ate a slice of cake. "This is so good y/n. Where did you learn to bake like this?" My mom asked. "It's even better than mom's cooking and baking!" Eren said, which made everyone laugh except for your mom. "Well, I work at a cafe not far from here and me and Levi make a lot of pastries that are similar to these when we work. Once you get the hang of it, it's really easy to make actually." I said. " I do have a question for you and Levi Y/n." My mom asked. "Yes?" I replied, a bit nervous about what she was going to ask.

"How did the two of you meet?" My mom asked. "We're actually neighbors." I said. "The first day I moved in, she brought me a fruit basket as a welcome to the neighborhood gift." Levi said, I smiled because he remembered that small gift I had given him on the first day we had met. Eren laughed a bit, but only I noticed. I told my parents that the spare rooms were set up for them to sleep and unpack their stuff. They were probably going to stay a few days, since they were going to look at houses for sale.

Once everyone was done eating the delicious desserts, your parents had gone to unpack their things and so did Eren. I showed Eren where the second guest bedroom was that he would be staying in. It was now around 8:00pm and Levi was getting ready to leave. Before he left, he gave me a small kiss on my cheek and told me to tell my parents and Eren that he said it was nice to meet them.

With that, Levi left and I went to go check in on my parents and Eren.  I told my parents and Eren what Levi said before he left. "He seems like a nice gentleman, you picked a good one." My mom said. Even though me and Levi weren't fully dating yet, my parents liked him so they wouldn't have a problem with him so that was a good thing at least.

Alright guys! I hope you all liked this chapter! It took me about an hour to write. But anyways, Thank you so much for reading, and enjoy the rest of your Day/Night.

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now