A Vacation???

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1st POV
     It had been two weeks since Petra had shown up at Levi's house. It had also officially been a month since me and Levi had started dating. We had a perfect relationship so far, no arguing or anything. Everything was going great.
     It was morning and I had stayed at Levi's house last night. We didn't have to work today, so that gave us a bit more time to spend together. There was a knock at the front door, so I went to go see who it was just in case it was Petra again.
     I opened the door to see Hange holding two envelopes. I had said hello and invited her inside. We went to the Living Room and sat down. I called for Levi and he came into the living room and sat down on the same couch as me, Hange was on the one across from us.

3rd POV

     Once everyone was seated in the living room, Hange began to talk about the reason she was there. "I have two vacation passes for a couples week together at the beach. I was wondering if you two would like them, since I have some experiments to work on?" She asked.
     "Well, I don't know we have to work this week." Y/n said. "No worries! I called your boss and she already said that you could have the week off." Hange replied. "Either way, if you decide to go or not, you'll get a week off of work." Hange said. " Well I suppose we could go. What do you think Levi?" Y/n asked. " I think it's a great idea, our first vacation together too." Levi replied. "So are the two of you going to go?" Hange asked. "Yes." Y/n and Levi replied at the same time.
" Great! Here are the two passes for the hotel, and plane tickets." Hange said, as she handed Y/n and Levi the items. Y/n and Levi took the items from Hange. Hange then told them that she had to go and told them that she would see them later. With that Hange had left and Y/n and Levi had told her bye.

1st POV

     Me and Levi had a lot of packing to do if we were going on this trip. The flight wasn't until tomorrow morning so we still had a little bit of time. The flight was quite early in the morning around 5:30 am, which meant we had to get plenty of sleep and wake up really early. I was excited to spend an entire week with just me and Levi. After Hange left, I called and told my parents that I would be gone for a week. They said okay and that they would clean a little of my house since I was gone.
     Me and Levi went to go pack, he went upstairs and I went over to my house. I made sure to pack plenty of nice outfits for the trip. After all, we were going to the beach. I also packed the new f/c swimsuit I had bought a few days ago. It was a bikini, and it had strings in the back to tie it instead of a buckle or strap for the top. I also got a really pretty dress the other day, which was a f/c dress, and it was long in the back and short in the front. I made sure to pack plenty to wear for the trip.


     By the time I was done packing it was around 7:00 pm. I realized that I hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I texted Levi and asked if he wanted to go out and grab a bite to eat. He said sure and then we talked about where we would go. He said he would drive to the small restaurant. Once we were there, we started a small conversation. " How long did it take you to finish packing?" I asked. " Not long, maybe 45 minutes at most." He replied. "What?! It took me two and a half hours!" I said. " Well maybe that's because you have too many clothes in your closet." He said.
     "I do not!" I said. "Your closet is full." Levi said. "It hasn't exploded yet." I said, while crossing my arms and smiling. He just laughed at that. He asked if I wanted to stay the night at his place tonight, I said sure since we were going on the trip together. After dinner we headed back home, before we went over to his house I went to my house to grab my suitcase. Once we got over to his house, it was around 9:00pm. We both layed down for bed since we had to get up early to leave for the flight.
     The next morning we woke up at 4:30am and grabbed something small for breakfast. We rode in my new car to the airport, Levi drove because he said I could get some extra sleep. We got to the airport about fifteen minutes before our flight. We got checked in with our passports and flight tickets, then we sat down and waited until our flight was ready. Soon enough our flight was called.
     We boarded our flight, since it was for a couples week we had two first class seats. Luckily there weren't that many people on the plane, but there wasn't anyone else in first class either. We would be on the flight for quite a few hours, so I figured I should take a small nap. I fell asleep laying on Levi's shoulder. He took a picture of me sleeping on him, he thought it was cute.
     Eventually, the flight landed a few hours later. We had a cab drive us to where we would be staying for the week. We eventually got to the hotel and checked in. Our room was at the very top of the hotel, and it was a huge suite. It was beautiful, I needed to make sure I thanked Hange so much when we got back. It had a huge king sized bed with a small white canopy covering the top. It had a mini kitchen, and a small dining area. It also had a giant TV, and a big bathroom. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of the week here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will be continuing the vacation in the next chapter, I didn't want to make it too much for you guys to read. Anyways, Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now