✨🍜Cook Off With A Few Surprises🍜✨

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      It was now the Saturday after the cafe got shut down. I told my parents about it on Wednesday, and about how that was the place me and Levi met. Today was also the day that me and my mom were supposed to have our cooking competition to see who the better cook is. I had all my bets on my mom. This year we would finally get results since we had three judges this time!

     The Cook off was at two so we still had plenty of time to spare. I left this morning to go fill out a new job application. I also called Makenzie to ask the reason the cafe was shut-down. She said that there wasn't enough business and workers to keep the place going, so she had to shut it down. I hope whoever bought the building does good business with it.

     Since it was 10am, I went shopping for my ingredients for the cooking competition with my mom. I was planning to make a special dinner. It would be Chicken and rice with a side of home-made mashed potatoes (You can change it if you want, but I'm going to use this for the story so you might have to re-imagine the storyline a little). I bought all the ingredients that I needed such as chicken, rice, and potatoes. The recipe was very easy, since it didn't really require a lot of ingredients to cook.

     After buying the ingredients I called Levi to see what he was doing. He said he was on his way to get some gas for his car. He also said he had a question for me later, which left me thinking about it for a long time. It was almost one, so I decided to double check my ingredients. I texted my mom to see if we were cooking our food at the same time or if we were just bringing it over. She said we could do either one. I just told her that I'd do it over there so the food wouldn't get cold. Levi told me to meet him at his house at 2:30pm and we would ride to my parents house together. I couldn't wait. We now had less than 30 mins.

     I just arrived at Levi's house, he greeted me like he always does. He said that he was going to ask me an important question. "What is it?" I asked. "F/n... Will you move in with me?" He asked. I was shocked. But that would mean if I moved in with him, Eren could have a house that my parents wouldn't have to pay a lot for. I loved Levi very much too, so I had decided on my answer. " Yes I will Mr. Ackerman." I said. He laughed at the formality that I used to use for him. "Shall we go then?" He asked. "Yes sir." I replied.

     The car ride wasn't long, or it didn't seem that long because we had a conversation about moving in together. We would do it within the next month. After the seemingly short car ride we had arrived at my parents house. Luckily, I didn't forget any of the ingredients. My parents greeted us. My brother had his phone out. "This is going live on the internet." he said. I rolled my eyes. We started first by laying our ingredients out on the table. Once we started we gathered our ingredients and began to cook the food. Since I was making chicken and rice with a side of mashed potatoes it probably wouldn't take that long to make, well aside from the fact that I had to chop up the chicken.

     However, I didn't know what my mom was making yet. But she did have a lot of vegetables on the table, maybe she was making some kind of salad? We both started and Eren was broadcasting it live on the internet. Levi and my father watched as we both cooked. Usually Levi did all of the cooking when I stayed with him so he never watched me cook before. I had my back towards my mom while I was cutting up the chicken so I was unsure of what she was doing right now. Once I was done with that I put the chicken in a pan and started cooking it. Then I got a pot and put the rice in with it. I used the potatoes I got and started mashing them for the home-made mashed potatoes. Eren said that the comments were blowing up.

     Eventually me and my mom were done cooking and ready to serve our meals to the rest of my family. She had three plates prepared for her meal and the same with me. Eren had to put the camera in a stable position so that he could taste the food too. Nobody was allowed to say anything before they tried both meals. Then they were allowed to place votes and state their reasons. Once everyone ate some of both meals, Eren was the first to talk. "I like Y/n's chicken and rice. Although your vegetable soup is good mom. But I think my vote is going to Y/n for being the better cook." Eren stated. "Well I think your mother's vegetable soup was delicious, so I'm voting for your mother." My father stated.

     Next was Levi's turn, no one knew what he would say. He looked like he was thinking really hard. I mean he was the one making the final decision. " I liked both of the meals, but unfortunately this is a cooking contest so I have to choose one. Y/n your home-made mashed potatoes tasted amazing. Mrs. L/n your food was also very amazing. I think I am going to go with Y/n for my vote." Levi stated. "Well that settles it then. Y/n is the better cook!" Eren said. "How I almost burned the entire house down one time!?" I said. "Honey, you were nine and that was practically your father's fault." My mother said, everyone laughed at that. "Well I really thought you were the better cook but, I guess not. But even if you aren't, your food is still delicious." I said. She smiled.

     "Me, Eren, and your father have a surprise for the two of you." My mother said. "What is it?" I asked. " Well we know how much the two of you loved that cafe you two met in so we bought it!" My mom said. I was filled with excitement and joy at the moment. I hugged my mom so tight and thanked her so many times.Levi and I thanked Everyone. They gave us full ownership of the cafe and soon enough, within the next 3 weeks we were able to open up The Ackerman Cafe. We decided on that because me and Levi both knew that we had met our soulmates.

     *Time Skip- 2 years later*

     Levi took me to this beautiful waterfall almost an hour from where we lived. It was so beautiful. Levi even dressed in a suit, which I had no idea why. There were huge rocks everywhere around. I could see small fish swimming in the water too. I was a bit stuck into the beautiful scenery, I forgot all about Levi who was behind me. I turned around to see where Levi was. I was shocked at the sight in front of me.

     Levi was down on the ground, on his knee holding a ring. "Y/n L/n, I've been in love with you ever since we met. You are everything that I've ever wanted. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Y/n. So Y/n L/n... Will you do me the honor and marry me?" Levi said. "Yes, I can't think of anything I want to do more than spend the rest of my life with you." I said. Next thing I know, I hear clapping and crying coming from behind a rock. My mom was crying and my dad and Eren were clapping.

     *TIME SKIP*

     Eventually Levi and I got married, Hange and Erwin started dating too. Eren also moved into my old house with Armin and Mikasa. Things were going great, and I was officially an Ackerman now. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with Levi.


A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this book! I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you all liked it.

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