~First Date~

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It was now a few days later from when my family had arrived, which they were still staying over at my house. Levi had decided to ask me out on a date sooner than the one that had been planned for later, he said that he couldn't wait and that he wanted to make it official. So, here we were at a fancy restaurant eating a fancy dinner. I was very surprised and I wondered what else we would be doing tonight.
Levi planned the entire date night. He wouldn't tell me what we were going to do tonight. I had told my family ahead of time that I wouldn't be back until later, so that they wouldn't worry. I know my mom is probably going to tease me about Levi when I get home anyways. Eren is sometimes protective over me, even though he's younger than me he still is protective over me, it's funny sometimes.
Anyways, after we ordered the food, it was brought to us. They also had a buffet, but I just ordered off of the menu because it was too crowded over at the buffet part of the restaurant. I enjoyed eating at this restaurant. It was peaceful, and there was some music playing in the background that was calming. The food here is delicious too!
Soon after we ate our food, we had gotten our bill. The bill was $62.79, I argued a bit with Levi trying to decide who would pay. I was way too stubborn to take no for an answer, and I wasn't going to let him pay that much for the both of us. Eventually, we had agreed to split the bill because he didn't want to argue and neither did I.
After the bill agreement was settled, we waited patiently for the waiter and gave him the money. Then we left the fancy restaurant. When we got to the car, Levi opened the door for me he's such a gentleman. Then he drove us to the next place, which was another surprise.
When we had pulled up, I was super excited. We were at the movie theatre. I wondered what movie we were going to see. When we got our snacks and drinks, we went to go get the tickets for the movie. We were going to see a horror movie, not too much of my favorite kind of movie.
I didn't tell Levi, since he worked so hard to plan this date just right. He wanted it unforgettable and perfect for me, which I greatly appreciated. He was really sweet. He bought the snacks before I could argue about who was paying, so I didn't have much of a choice.
I could've argued but I knew it wasn't worth it, he would win anyway. He's so sweet. A few minutes after we got our tickets, we headed down the hall to one of the cinema rooms. We were seeing a movie called Deadly Dollhouse.
Supposedly it was about some doll that came alive in the middle of the night. I don't know what else happens, because I've only heard about the movie a little. I hoped that it wouldn't be that scary.
We took our seats and the movie began playing. There was a little girl named Megan who had gotten the doll for her birthday from an old shop. The doll was moving at night though, it was kind of creepy. There was a small song that she sang " Ding Dong Ditch your dead, I will leave you in your bed." Or something like that. I'm not exactly sure about the song, but it was weird and creepy is all I know.
The doll disappeared during night and appeared in the morning in a different spot than it was the night before. Megan didn't think much about it. The doll then got knives out of the kitchen and killed the entire family. I was shocked and I didnt notice that I was shaking. I felt something wet on my face too, I was crying.
I felt arms wrap around me, it was Levi. He gave me a hug and told me that everything was okay and it was just a movie. Even though it was a movie, it was still scary. Especially since it showed the scenes of where the doll killed Megan and her family.
I clutched onto his shirt as the doll continued to kill the people outside. "Shhh, it's okay Y/n. It's just a movie, nothing to worry about." Levi said. I was not shaking a little less and I had stopped crying by now. It was probably going to be hard to sleep tonight.
After the movie, it was around 11:30pm and we were going to head home. We got into the car and our houses were about a thirty minute drive from the movie theatre. That means that we would get there around 12:00pm. We had just talked for the rest of the way back. He apologized for picking such a scary movie, I told him it was okay since he didn't know that I didn't like them that much.
Eventually, we arrived back at my house and I got out of the car that had been parked at his house. He walked me over to my house to make sure I got back safely, even though we were neighbors. Before he left he gave me a kiss on my cheek.
I then went inside my house, trying to be as quiet as possible because I didn't want to wake anybody up. Luckily I made it up to my room being super quiet. I changed into my night clothes and got into bed. I couldnt go to sleep because of that stupid movie. I didn't want to bother Levi with my problems, so I didn't tell him. So I just sat there, unable to sleep.
I woke up the next morning, it was a Sunday so luckily I didn't have to work. I was really tired from the fact that I didn't sleep at all last night. Levi came over this morning. He saw how my eyes had bags under them. " Did you sleep at all last night?" Levi asked. " I don't know, I'm too tired to think right now." I said. He gave me a hug and picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom. He sat me down on my bed and sat next to me.
He sat there with me in his lap, he was rubbing circles on my back and playing with my hair. I eventually fell asleep in his arms. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was "I love you y/n." I don't think he knew that I heard him though. I just hugged him tighter though, and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.
My mom and brother were spying from the hallway, they were definitely enjoying themselves. They were laughing and my mom was going crazy. She thought it was super cute.

Okay guys, I just finished this chapter. Sorry it took a little bit to write. Anyways, I have a few ideas for the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it!

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now