Sand Castle Contest

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1st POV

     By the time me and Levi had arrived at the hotel and unpacked all of our things, it was around 10:00am. We decided that we would go to the beach or pool later. I'm not going to lie though, I wonder what Levi's abs look like. One of the things I liked to do, which was kind of childish, was building sandcastles. Most of the time when I went to the beach, I would help smaller kids build them or build one for them to play. It was really enjoyable too. I loved kids, and playing with them. Who knows, maybe me and Levi would have mini versions of ourselves running around someday.

     We went down to the ground floor of the hotel we were staying in. They were serving breakfast, so me and Levi decided to eat something from the hotel for breakfast. They only had a few options, but that was okay. They had toast, cereal, waffles, bagels, and some fruit cups. They also have some milk, apple juice and some water. I decided to have [food of your choice] and a [drink of your choice]. Levi's decided to eat a bagel and have a cup of milk with it. It was very delicious.

     Once we finished our breakfast, it was 11:30, so we headed back up to our room. We were going to go to the beach to enjoy the day for today, we were going to go to some other places tomorrow. We were going to go early and spend the entire day at the beach. It wasn't that far of a distance from our hotel, so we planned on walking to the beach. Me and Levi had gotten our things ready to go, he packed us towels and sandwiches for lunch. I packed some drinks, and I also brought some money with us just incase.

     Me and Levi got changed into our swimwear, I had my f/c bikini, which I put on. I walked out of the bathroom, and put on a small white cover- up. Levi changed into his swimming trunks, they were black. I have to admit, I do like the way his abs look. I have barely ever seen him shirtless at all since we've been together, maybe like once or twice. Once we were ready to go, we left the hotel and began to walk to the beach.

----------------------------------------- Time Skip-----------------------------

     We arrived at the beach about 30 minutes after we had left the hotel. We had found a nice spot on the beach over near some rocks, there weren't any people near us surprisingly. It was a quiet spot for just me and Levi, at least it was for now. We unpacked our bag and put our towels down, fortunately there was a small tree with enough shade for the both of us to sit under, so that was where I put the towels. Soon enough, there was a small family with 2 children that came to sit near us. The kids asked their mother if she wanted to build sandcastles, she told them that she might later.

     Me being a person that likes kids and likes building sand castles offered to make a sandcastle with them. They were really excited about that, they looked to be maybe 5 and 6 years old. Levi thought it was cute how I wanted to help them, and he wanted to join in on making it with us. The children wanted to make a big sand castle with a moat around it. It took a little bit, but me, Levi and the children finally finished it. They put a small blue flag on top as a finishing touch. The children then thanked us and gave both me and Levi a hug. This made me and Levi smile. After that we walked back over to our towels and sat down.

     "I didn't know you were so good at building sandcastles y/n." Levi said. " Well actually it's one of my favorite things to do when I come to the beach, especially helping the kids make them." I responded. "Well that'll be good if we ever have children of our own." Levi stated, which made me blush a lot. "M-maybe." I said. Levi laughed a bit. We sat for a while and had a conversation about random things.

     Eventually the family with the kids left about an hour and a half after they got there. Levi left to go do something real quick. When he came back, he had informed me that he had signed the two of us up for a sandcastle building contest. I was super surprised and excited especially since he didn't think that I was being too childish. The contest starts in 10 minutes, so we had time to gather a few Ideas and how we wanted the sandcastle to look.

     Eventually, ten minutes were up and it was time to start building our sandcastle. We were making a big sandcastle with a moat around it. We didn't have any buckets, so we had to improvise, which was okay with me because I usually did anyways. We had exactly 1 hour to build it, which we could probably get it done in 30 or 45 minutes. It was going to be amazing!

     About 35 minutes later we finished the sandcastle, it looked so awesome! We still had a bit of time so we decided to go swim in the ocean for a bit. I was swimming at one of the rocks near where we were sitting, Levi had disappeared yet again. I felt something against my feet, I thought it must have been a fish so I looked down. I couldn't really see what it was because the water was kind of dark. Next thing I know, I was getting pulled underwater by my ankles. I was screaming for Levi's help. I got pulled in all the way to where the tip of my shoulders were in the water, that's where it stopped.

     I got out of the water as soon as whatever it was let go of me. Once I was out of the water, there was someone coming up from that spot that I had been pulled down at. It was none other than Levi. "No kisses for the rest of today, and you're sleeping on the couch tonight." I said, although I didn't want that to actually happen but he almost gave me a heart attack. He just laughed in response. "How about if we win the sandcastle contest, you have to give me kisses and you get to sleep with me." He proposed. "Hm, I guess that would be fair since you did sign us up, but I'm still mad at you for scaring me." I replied.

     "Okay I'm sorry for scaring you, love." He said. A few minutes later it was time to announce the winners of the contest, the judges had already reviewed the sandcastle. "Alright everyone! It is now time to announce the winners of the annual 2021 sandcastle contest!" One of the judges said. "In third place we have, Annie Leonhart. In second place we have Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover." The second judge said. " Finally, our first Place goes to Y/n L/n and Levi Ackerman!" The third judge said. I was so excited, they even gave us a trophy since we won.

     " Where are my kisses?" Levi asked with a smirk on his face. I glared at him at first, then I gave him a kiss. After that, we packed up our things and started to head somewhere to eat. The rest of our week at the beach was spent doing fun things such as swimming, going to the aquarium and small shows. We also went to some fancy restaurants too. Eventually the week at the beach was finished, and we would be heading home the next morning.

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now