Moving Day

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A/N: This chapter isn't really an important chapter, so it's not going to be that long.

     1st POV
     It was now the morning after Levi had asked me to be his girlfriend, and bought me a car. My cousin Jean was bringing the stuff from parents old house to their new one. He had started heading this way early this morning, which meant he would be here anytime now. I had already eaten breakfast and got ready. I had also asked Makenzie if me and Levi could have the day off today to help my parents move, she said that it was fine and that she had a few interviews to take care of anyways. She said that we would have some new co-workers in a few days too.
     Eventually, Levi arrived at my house and was ready to go help move in. My parents said that Jean would be meeting us at the new house. My parents and Eren rode in their car, and I drove in my car with Levi on the passenger side. I loved my new car, it was my favorite kind and my favorite color too. We set off to drive the nearly twenty minute drive there.
     When I pulled up, I saw Jean in the moving truck. He looked a lot taller now. It had been a couple of years since I had seen Jean, he was about the same age as Eren. Him and Eren didn't get along that great though, they would almost always argue. Even if it were over something stupid like a potato they'd probably argue.
     It was quite funny when they argued, it would mostly end up in a fist fight or them having to be separated though. Yet again, him and Eren were arguing when we got into the new house. I think they were arguing about where they should put the couches or something? "It should go over there!" Eren yelled. "No! It would make more sense to put it over there!" Jean replied.
     "Boys, stop arguing we're putting the couches over there ." My mom said as she pointed at a spot across the room from where the boys wanted it. The boys continued to argue for a bit, me and Levi were laughing while we watched the two of them argue about stupid stuff.
     Once they argued for a few more minutes, me and Levi went to help move more things in. "You know that this could be us one day." He said, which made me blush a bit. "Yeah, it could be." I replied. I hoped that it would be and that we would be a very happy couple.
     We continued to move everything into the house. It took us almost all day to get everything moved in. Levi really did show me how strong he was, he even helped me with one of the things that were heavy that I couldn't carry. He really was something else.
     When we were done moving everything in, it was around 7:30pm. Me and Levi got into my car and we went to his house. We had also picked up some dinner on the way back. We got to Levi's house, and he invited me in. We went inside and sat at his dining table and ate dinner together.
     Once we had finished the small dinner, I gathered my stuff to leave. We shared a short but sweet kiss before I left. Once I got to my house, I watched the TV until I went to bed.
Alright, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Also I will be taking requests/ideas for the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now