An Unexpected Visitor

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3rd POV
It had been two weeks since Y/n's parents and her brother had moved into their new house, not far from where Y/n lived. It was sunny today, and Y/n and Levi were hanging at Levi's house. They wanted to spend the day together, since they didn't have to work today. Well, technically they didn't have to work on the weekends, but it was just a day off this weekend since there was an event at the cafe they had to work.
They spent the majority of the day watching movies and talking. Y/n and Levi were happy together, they each secretly hoped that they would be each other's last love, but of course they didn't say anything to each other yet. Y/n thought it was funny when she called Levi shorty, because he hated it but it was also cute when Y/n said it. Each time Y/n would call Levi shorty, he'd call her a brat right back. It was also funny when Y/n picked on Levi for being a clean freak.
They joked around for a bit, and were busy laughing and talking. They ended up missing half of the movie they had bought to watch today. Most of the time, you would catch Y/n over at Levi's house unless she was busy or if Levi was busy. But now, they were spending their free time together, cooking in the kitchen. Y/n and Levi were making a delicious dinner.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Levi said that he would go see who it was and Y/n could continue cooking. Levi got to the door and opened it, only to be face to face with one of the few people he didn't like. "Baby!" The girl said, happy to see Levi again. Y/n heard the girl call Levi baby, and went to go see who it was.

1st POV

Levi had gone to the door to see who had knocked on the door. I heard a girl yell "Baby!", so I went to go see who it was. 'Was Levi cheating on me? There's no way he wouldn't do that to you Y/n.' As I arrived at the door I saw a girl with short hair, she was a bit shorter than Levi. "Baby? Who's this?" The girl at the door asked. "First off, I'm not your "baby" and second I don't think this is any of your concern." Levi replied. "Uh- who are you?" I asked. "I'm Petra, the one and only." The girl says as she flips her hair.
She suddenly leaned in to kiss Levi, but I knew what she was about to do and luckily I had quick reflexes, I punched her and she fell to the ground. All I said was "Mine." And I slammed the door in her face after I kissed Levi. After that, me and Levi walked back to the kitchen to finish the dinner that we were cooking before. "Who was that?" I asked, out of curiosity since she called Levi "baby".
"She's my ex-girlfriend and she cheated on me." Levi said. " Who would cheat on someone like you, you're way too perfect. When she said "baby" I was like- hold up." I said. Levi just laughed a bit. "A little jealous, even of such a small word huh?" Levi said with a small smirk on his face. " I am not jealous!" I said. " Alright, if you're not jealous then why did you make sure that you kissed me and called me "mine" before you slammed the door?" He replied. "Simple, I was just showing her what's mine, and telling her not to touch you. If she doesn't stay away I might have to throw some hands." I said, me and Levi laughing a bit at the statement.
"Whatever." He said, as he rolled his eyes. We finished making dinner. For dinner we were having [meal of choice] it was going to be so delicious. Me and Levi sat down and ate the [meal of choice]. He told me that his ex, Petra had been a great girl when they had got together, but after a while things seemed strange. Levi said that he caught Petra at a party one time, kissing a guy in the corner. I said "Well you have me, and I would never do such a thing." I say as I give him a big hug.


Alright Guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also no hate meant towards Petra, I just thought it would be maybe a good thing to add to the story, I don't really know? Also, I will be taking requests for the next chapter so feel free to request a chapter. I'll try my best to do it. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and as always, thank you so much for reading.

P.S. Sorry It was so short.

It All Started With A Fruit Basket(Levi x Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now