Chapter 5, Will This Ever End?

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The trip has lasted 3 hours and 23 minutes now. Trust me, I know. I've spent every moment counting. Every minute I count I'm hoping to be farther away from Drake. Just as I'm starting to count the twenty fourth minute, I'm interrupted.

"We have about five minutes before we get to our destination." The bus driver announces to Drake. Even five more minutes beside Drake will be dreadfully horrible, but it's much better then a few hours. I finally get to see where they're taking us, I think to myself.

Drake sits up, finally giving me some much needed space.

"Once we arrive to where we're going, you're going to be split into groups. Anyone who does not follow instructions, may, and will be taught a lesson. Each of your groups will be lead by five of my men. I don't want you all dead, well yet.. so in your group you'll get a bottle of water and three apples to share amoungest eachother. And yes, there is more of us, so if you happen to think you can escape because we're a little short handed, You're wrong." A tad bit of my hope of escaping lets loose, but I still have much more hope. Nobody is going to rid me of that.

I look forward to at least a bite of an apple.

I watch out the window as we pull onto a dirt road. The road is surrounded by woods, and everywhere you're head turns, there's a big bushy tree. I fly up and down in my seat, due to the constant pot holes and bumps. The road seems never ending, if I'm to escape the place they're going to put us in, it will take me forever just to find socialization.

Goodness, it's been way more then five minutes. As I look out the window, I see something, it's a tip of a motel, and next to it a house. No, not a house, it's a mansion! Holy shit, these people must be rich! The mansion is a glorious white, and it seems to stretch for miles.

Next to it though, is a not so glorious motel. The red paint is starting to peel from the sides, and it looks to be three levels high. But compared to the mansion beside it, it's small, and very run down.

Finally the bus comes to a hault.

"Alright, lets put you into groups." Drake mutters, then grabs my arm, and pulls me down the stairs and off the bus.

It yet again is a struggle to stand behind him, because of the ties on my feet, but he could care less.

Hitting a rock, I do a face plant. When I go down, I hit my ribcage, and pain creeps back into me. The men around me erupted into laughter, assholes.

"Get up." I'm kind of working on it Drake. I would have told him that, but I still have a bandana shoved in my mouth. It hurts to stand, but I stand up anyway, and continue to be dragged along by Drake.

Goosebumps are popping up all over my skin, It's freezing here.

Without warning, I'm thrown onto the ground. Looking up, five men, just like Drake said there'd be, stand around me.

One of them I recognize as one of the men on the bus. Scott I think. And the other four I have never seen. Three of them look around the same age, one of them looks older.

I gulp as they all look down on me with lustful eyes.

Thankfully, their stare down is inturrepted by three more girls joining the group. I have to admit, I am very happy I'm not the only girl. One looks about my age, another maybe a year younger, and the other looks to be a lot older.

The jerks throw us three apples and a water bottle, the girls scramble to get them, but I'm distracted when a realization hits me, where the hell are the kids!? I'm rapidly turning my head searching for them, how the heck could I have forgotten about them!?

"C'mon, get up." One of the men is tugging at me. I forget I'm still on the ground. I ignore him, but then he pulls out a knife. I flinch, but instead of slicing me to bits, he cuts off the ropes restraining me, and even takes out the bandana.

But right now, I'm too focused on making sure the kids are okay. I doubt he knows I'm a trouble maker, other wise he wouldn't have untied me.

Looking around, I notice just how many guys are lurking. Men of all shapes and sizes, And I don't see any female that is not captive, sexist bastards.

There is probably about three to five people in every group, and five guys to restrain those people.

So there's how many groups? From my angle there looks to be three more groups, including mine, making four.... Five times four, Um. I should know this jeez! Twenty. So there's at least twenty guys here, plus all the ones standing around, and the ones that are most likely in the house.

In one of the groups I see Gabe and Audray, they're with two other smaller boys. The people who are in charge of them aren't being complete dicks. So i'll let them be for now. But where the hell is Lucy?

I fixate on the bus. Inside I can see a small shadow, cowering in the last seat of the bus. Surrounding the shadow there's three more, much bigger shadows.

That has to be Lucy. One of the bigger shadows grab Lucy and put her up to the wall, much like Drake did to her before.

I am NOT going to let her be traumatized again. I glare at the men around me, they are all talking to each other.

Except for one, Scott. His eyes are glued on me, I peer back at the bus, then back to Scott. I meet his amber eyes, and he shakes his head, meaning "Don't." I know he knows what I'm about to do. So I quickly jump up and dart towards the door of the bus before he can stop me.

"Shit." I hear Scott muster before he starts after me. But I'm way to fast for him, I've been running all my life.

I reach the bus door, and swing it open, barging inside.

All heads turn towards me. Drake is one of them. His eyes narrow, and he scoffs. The other two men are staring at me with confusion; good, they don't expect anything from me.

The one that is holding Lucy starts to let her down.

"No. Keep her up." Drake orders. Lucy's face starts to grow pale again.

"STOP YOU BASTARD!" I shriek, he is hurting my little Lucy. Just as I'm about to storm towards him, big arms wrap around me.

Shit, I forgot about Scott. He begins to pull me off the bus.

"Let me go!" He isn't letting go. "LET ME GO!" My elbow swings back, smoking him in the groin, he moans, but still holds. But hell, I'm not fineshed. My elbow swings back three more times, and then when he staggers back a bit. I round house him in the face. He falls to the floor, he's out cold.

Lucy drops to the floor. And the two men that have never met me before, stand there, wide eyed, and mouths dropped. Their stunned features make me feel in control, and that feels great.

Drake, on the other hand, is yet again angry. I imagine smoke flying out his ears, like the cartoons do when they're fed up and furious. It makes him seem a hell of a lot less intimidating.


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