Chapter 23, Blood for Blood.

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As soon as I'm by Hunters side, an argument is heard outside of the room. Just as the man beside me grasps the door knob the door swings open, braking one of the hinges it relied on to stay up.

Wow, two doors broken in one day.

I automatically step back, dodging the door that almost hits me. Hunter isn't so lucky, it smacks the side of his forehead, leaving a gash.

But he doesn't seem phased by the unexpected wound.

I gaze in the doorway, and to my dismay I see him; Drake, absolutely fuming.

Hunter steps in front of me, as to why he feels the need to protect me, I'm not so sure.

"What the fuck did you do Hunter!?" He yells, leaving the doorway and coming to us.

About ten men are seen outside of the doorway, watching the action. One is standing in the room, staring into my eyes, Silas.

A sickening feeling seeps into me, all hell is about to brake lose. I know this because of the way Silas is looking into my eyes, his glare is laced with a tromendous amount of accusation.

Drake just asked Hunter what he did, and considering how he won't answer the question... they must know I didn't murder Scott.

So why is he glaring at me accusingly?

I step back, wanting to go into the closet to escape Silas' gaze.

But Hunters firm grip on my shirt won't let me go anywhere.

Drake stands chest to chest with my rapist, "You know how this has to end now, all because of you. Blood for blood Hunter..." Shaking his head in shame, he looks to me, and continues, "Take her." He commands.

In a split second, my back is thrown into a wall, and I'm huddled in a corner. The only thing visable to me is Hunters back, hovering protectively in front of me.

This way I have two walls by my sides, and the only way a person can get to me is through Hunter.

It's quite smart of him actually.

Although I don't understand why he is so protective of me. But I believe that what it comes down to is he thinks of me as a possession. His possession, as if I'm an object, maybe he considers me his little toy.

And who would want someone to rip their toy away from them? Certainly not Hunter.

And blood for blood?... I shudder. If he is acting this protective than it must mean something terrible.

"C'mon Hunter, I don't want to have to hurt you man. We're supposed to be brothers, you're really going to let that bitch destroy us?" Silas spits, and the way he says it I know that he's seething a deep hatred for me.

"I didn't mean to kill Scott, I lost control." Hunter speaks defensively, and I swear I hear a small quiver in his voice. As if he's about to break.

"You never lose control... Not the guy we know. When you kill, you kill for a reason. Don't lie to us." Drake growls. "I'm giving you five seconds to hand her over, or we'll do this the hard way."

He doesn't say a thing, only continues to stand in front of me... I'm tempted to tell him to move, I don't want any more trouble than we're already in.

Maybe that's the best thing to do in this situation... to surrender.

Surrender... Who have I become? The Scarlett I knew a few weeks ago would have never surrendered.

She would've fought, my mind rings to me.

"One... Two..." Drake starts counting.

But... but the consequences of disobeying.

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