Chapter 13, Curly Mistakes.

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He's still sitting next to me. You know, the bastard.

He leans back in the hospital chair, staring at me; he has been for fifteen minutes now.

Oh how much I hate him.

But what I hate even more, is how attractive he is. How can one be so evil and psychotic, yet so drop dead sexy?

Today he wears a plain black V-neck shirt, that's tight in all the right places. And get this, he's wearing khakis.

Yes khakis, and oh how I love khakis. I would have never thought of Drake as the khaki type. I bring my eyes downward, too see what shoes he's wearing, work boots.

Hell yes.

"Why don't you just take a picture darling? That way you can stare at me all day." Did he really just catch me checking him out?

Checking him out is the wrong choice of words, Um. Examining. Yes, perfect.
I've seriously been cooped up for too long.

"Nah. If I was in the possession of a camera, I wouldn't use it to take a picture of you. I'd use it to wack against your head so many times your skull would crack and your brain juices would pour out." The words slip out of my mouth before I even realise.

"Hey, watch it. That just added fifteen more minutes to your punishment. Apologize." Drake now sits at the edge of his seat, glaring at me, daring me to disobey him.

But, my siblings are at risk and I'm not willing to let them get hurt because I decided to be a smart ass.

"Sorry master." I sqeak out and turn my head the opposite way from him. Maybe if I don't see him, he'll magically disapear.

But I know that isn't the case.

Well, I might as well find out why the hell I almost died.

"So, why did I almost die?" I ask Drake while trying to avoid eye contact with him.

He answers as he plays with a string hanging from his slim fit v-neck.

"I dunno, guess I beat you too hard and you had a lot of internal bleeding in the lining of your stomach. So you lost a bunch of blood, Jeremy fixed it though. He also fixed up your broken rib and nose." Drake shrugs his shoulders, acting as if it's no big deal. I guess this must happen quite frequently.

"Oh." I mumble a little confused. Who the hell is Jeremy? Just as I'm about to ask about it, Silas enters the room, followed by a man that looks a little older than both Silas and Drake.

He has curly brown hair, nice blue eyes, and he's just a little bit shorter than the one I now have to call master. I feel like I recognize the blue eyes a little bit.

Drake stands to greet the two with a nod.

Silas didn't bring me my water... I lay back and pout, thinking about how thirsty I am and how he said he'd get me some water.

I'm going to ask Silas about my water, But I decide to see what's going on first.

I want to know who the shorter, curly haired dude with blue eyes is. His curls are so cute!

Then again, I'm probably about to be insulted, beaten or drugged by him, he is, after all, an associate of Drake.

I can't stand this anymore they're all just looking at eachother.

"So... Where's my water?" I grin, trying to kill this awkward silence.

"I forgot." Silas simply shrugs his broad shoulders and continues. "Scarlett, this is Jeremy, he's a doctor. He was the one who hooked us up with some connections so you could live."

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