Chapter 27, Freedom?

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I feel the bumps jolt my body in an almost soothingly, gentle way. It's a feeling that is familiar to me, but I forget why.

I listen to the hum in the distance, it's a confusing mix, it's both mechanical and human.

"You will need to hide somewhere no one will find you, and I mean no one. They have connections everywhere. Do you understand?"

Curly? I try opening my eyes but it's too difficult, my eyelids are too heavy, I decide to continue listening instead.

"Yes, thank you. I can't thank you enough." A female pipes softly, I can hear how grateful she is through her voice.

Finally, after many attempts, I'm able to open my eyes completely. Something restrains my chest, and I quickly realize it's a seatbelt. I'm in a vehicle.

I look around me, I sit in the back, and a female with dark black hair sits in the front passenger seat. Curly is driving; I watch his concerned and anxious expression in the rear view mirror.

"Curly?" I whisper, my voice comes out hoarse, like I haven't used it in weeks. I cough violently.

His eyes jump up to the mirror, looking at me through it.

"Scarlett, you're awake. Take it easy okay, you haven't spoken in a while so it will be hard on your lungs." He speaks softly, as if not to scare me.

The female with the jet black hair turns around, "Hi Scarlett, I'm Nia... I was held in a jail cell next to you. The one that you were in for a small amount of time, you probably don't remember though." She furrows her dark eyebrows.

I do remember her. I remember watching as they poured gasoline down her throat, forcing her to drink it.

Her jet black hair is illuminated by her stunning hazel eyes, she has soft features, she looks malnourished but is beautiful. Then again, so do I- I look to my body, and it's no longer just skin and bones as it was before, I'm almost the same size as I was before I was abducted.

"Wha-how" I mutter, confusion consuming my mind. I look to Curly.

"Scarlett, you've been in and out of a coma for the past five weeks. You were being tube fed daily, so you've regained a lot of your original weight." He carefully tells me.

My mind spins, "I've been unconscious for five weeks? Why? Where are my siblings?"

Then it dawns on me... I only have two siblings now. Gabe is gone. My heart breaks as I remember.

"Drake, Silas and Hunter are the reason you fell into a coma. They pushed you too far, they did some awful things to you..." Curly shakes his head, ashamed. The memories of what happened before I lost consciousness flood my brain, and make me want to vomit. "But it doesn't matter now. You are free. I'm taking you across the Canadian border now to the United States. Nia will keep you safe."

I'm free? It can't be...

"'My siblings Curly, where are they?" I demand, needing to know the answer. I can't leave them behind in that horrible place.

"They're in the trunk." He says calmly.

"What?! What do you mean?" I shout, beginning to unbuckle my seatbelt in a panic.

"No, no they're okay Scarlett. Curly only has enough fake passports for you and I to cross the border. They're both alive and well in the trunk, they just have to hide until we're safely across." Nia assures me, and my mind calms itself a bit.

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