Chapter 11, Death Is Near.

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I can't believe it.

I let them see it... I let Silas and Drake see my fear, by shedding tears in front of them.

"I'm genuinely curious Scarlett, what exactly were you thinking about a few minutes ago?" Drake asks, kneeling down in front of me, Silas stands close behind.

I ignore Drake. The last thing I want to do right now is talk to him, or Silas.

I look past him, staring off into the distance, I'm absolutely furious that I broke down like that. I should have been stronger!

My chin is roughly grabbed, and pulled to look straight into Drakes blue eyes. The eyes that brought it all... My fists clench, and my nuckles turn white. It's hard to hold in my anger.

"Damnet, How many times have I told you to listen to me? Answer me when I ask a question." His grasp on my chin pinches a bit, he's obviously fed up.

But he isn't the only one.

My green eyes glare into his. I furrow my eyebrows, giving him a deadly stare, also giving off the notion that I'm not going to answer him.

He seems a little stunned by this, probably because he was expecting the usual comeback from me.

Within a second, his eyes turn from a stunned stance, to fury.

His huge hand wraps around my neck, and drags me up so I'm standing, he does it effortlessly.

I almost forgot how tall he is compared to me, I'm eye level with his chest. I feel so insignificant in front of him.

He looks down on me, and in one fluid motion pulls me in as close as I could possibly be to him.

My slim body is pressed against his muscley figure.

Drake squats down a bit. I'm stunned when he grabs my ass with both his hands, and he lifts me up so both my legs are wrapped around his define waist. His hands crawl back to my ass.
I begin to squirm, and I try pulling my legs away from him, but he just pushes my waist against him.

Then, he walks to the wall, and slams me in between. My whole figure aches from the pressure he is applying by using his body to smoosh me against the wall.

My heart and mind quiver in Drakes presence, he's terrifying.

I feel something against me, and when I realize where it's at, I shiver.

Drake has an erection, and he's pushing it against me.

I stop moving, because I know if I struggle it will just make his bulge bigger. After all, he gets pleasure out of someone's suffering.

He smiles when he notices that I've surrendered, but really that's not the case. There's just no way to get out of this position right now. I feel him lean down and place his lips beside my ear.
"Scarlett dear, now that I know where your weakness is, I will use it against you. The best part is, that I will enjoy it more than anything." He whispers. "I'll make sure you pay for shooting my foot, and for being disrespectful."

He chuckles and continues, "The funny thing is Scarlett, that all along I didn't have to use a knife, or any object, all I had to use is what I already have." Drake pushes his bulge against my pants, emphasizing what he means.

My breath hitches, this is the worst way someone could torture me.

All my life I've been pushed around, put into different homes, with new people. New strange men, with sexual desires that I've never wanted to please.

But when I was younger I had to, I was weak. In order to eat, to have a roof over my head, and to not end up bruised and beaten I had to please their desires.

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