Chapter 12, Master.

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All I see is black.

Beep, beep.

My head hurts...

Beep, beep.

Screw that, everything hurts.

Beep, beep.

Why can't I see?

Beep, beep.

Open your damn eyes Scarlett, the smarter side of my conscience speaks. I guess opening my eyes would definitely help.

Beep, beep.

What's with the constant beeping!?

Beep, beep.

I'm tired of that beeping! I pull at my eyelids until I can see my surroundings.

I nearly jump ten feet when I see Silas next to me.

"You're awake." He whispers, staring into my green pearls.

I'm stunned when I realise I'm in a hospital room. But then the events come flooding back, and I'm nearly breathless when I remember I was on the brink of dying.

Why the hell is Silas here? I was hoping that he wouldn't be. But hey, he's much better than Drake.

Suddenly I'm curious about how long I've been asleep for.

"H-how" I'm suprised at how scratchy my voice is..... I sound like a man. I need a drink of water because my throat feels like the Sahara desert. "Water, Please?" I kindly ask Silas, begging that he'll be nice enough to let me drink.

"A tiny sip. That's all." He leaves to get me a drink, closing the door behind him.

I look around.

I'm in a room, the four walls surrounding me are a pale white. Looking to my right I see a door.

That must lead to the hallway, and the hallway must lead to people.

If I'm in a hospital there has to be some person around that could help me.

I go to move my arms, but to my dismay, they're tied down.

Fuck sakes.

I look to my legs and realize that my ankles are also tied to the bed.

I guess they know my intentions too well... I need to get out of here!

They could have done anything to me while I was asleep. Oh shit, I look to my left and see an iv, I follow the tube to my wrist, where it connects to my skin, feeding me liquids. They could be filling my insides with anything.

I'm starting to panic.

Somebody has to help me, there has to be a person here that could.

I begin to scream.

"Help! Somebody! I've been kidnapped!" I'm not yelling loud enough.

I take a deep breath in.

"HELP ME!" I'm stunned at how loud that came out, someone has to have heard me. I look to the door and see someone shuffling about.

Yes, someone heard!

I watch as the figure turns the knob and opens the door.

No, no, no.


"Scarlett dear, shh. You might wake the person in a coma next door." He chuckles and walks toward me.

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