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Finally, the day of the ball had come. Kayleigh's long hair laid in loose curls down her back. Her makeup was natural, with glossy lips. She wore simply jewelry, not to take away from her dress.

"You look stunning!" Her aunt Meredith said as Kayleigh walked down the stairs.

"Thanks Meredith. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Kayleigh asked while looking through her hand bag, making sure she had everything.

"I'm sure, Ric and I are going to have a movie night. Have fun, be safe."

"I will, bye Meredith." And with that, Kayleigh made her way to the ball.


Kayleigh stood at the glass doors in the front of a mansion. She figured Rebekah's family was wealthy, she didn't know they would be this wealthy though.

Swallowing her nerves, Kayleigh pushed open the doors, the sight she was greeted with was enthralling.

Women in gorgeous ball gowns twirling and dancing. All the men wore suits, looking quite dapper. Servers walked around the party offering champagne. The marble floors were barely visible due the number of guests. It was certainly a sight she would remember.

"Leigh!" Rebekah smiled walking up to the brunette and trapping her in a hug.

"Bekah, this is amazing!" Kayleigh replied.

Rebekah walked with Kayleigh introducing her to many people, before she had to excuse herself and greet other guests. Kayleigh wasn't sure what to do now. Suddenly, the front door opened and Elena walked in.

"Lena?" Kayleigh said, approaching her friend.

"Leigh, what are you doing here?" Elena replied, looking around nervously.

"Why shouldn't I be? What's the matter?"

"You should go." Elena said, before walking away, finding Stefan.

"Elena, wait," Kayleigh called, turning around and bumping into a man who wore a black and white tux.  "Pardon me!" she said frantically before looking up at the man. He was attractive, maybe a few years out of her dating range, but attractive none the less.

"My apologies, forgive me..." The man said, waiting for her name.

"Kayleigh." She did a little curtsy, her mom always told her it was polite, especially for a formal event such as a ball.

"Elijah," the man responded, "I don't believe we've met. Are you Rebekah's friend?"

"Yes I am, how do you know her?"

"Rebekah happens to be my sister." Elijah replied.

"Well Elijah, it is very nice to meet you."

Elijah offered her a glass of champagne, which she gladly accepted. After chatting with the polite man, he excused himself to attend to "family matters".

Once again, Kayleigh found herself alone, so she decided to explore.

The mansion was huge. So much to see. She ended up finding herself in a large room scattered with paintings. It was like a museum. The paintings were wonderful, something that would be display at the Louvre.

"Do you like them?" Kayleigh heard a man ask. He had a thick accent and his voice was deep. It was enchanting.

"They are exquisite." Kayleigh replied, looking away from a painting on the wall, turning to see the man in the doorway. He was rather attractive. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and scruff on his chin. He wore a suit that looked dashing on him.

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