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"I want you to do a spell for me."

Kayleigh opened and closed her mouth several times, trying to find the right words, but they never came to her. "What? I can't, I'm not a witch."

"Good thing you didn't go into acting, baby. I know you're a witch, why else would I have made you read those grimoires?" Jake laughed, but Kayleigh was not amused.

"Why would I help you?"

"Firstly, to get the mutt back. Second, because if you don't I'll find another witch. Bonnie, was it?"

"Don't you dare touch Bonnie." Kayleigh said through gritted teeth.

"Of course, she'd probably be less than willing to do the spell for me. Perhaps I'll motivate her with the doppelgangers brother, who she is so fond of."

"You wouldn't"

"Oh, but I would," Jake smiled evilly, "I will kill everyone in this wretched little town, and you? I'll keep you alive. You'll live knowing that the blood of everyone you've ever cared about is on your hands. That almost seems worse than dying with the rest of them, don't you think?"

"Fine. I'll do your stupid spell."

"You're not doing his spell." Damon commanded, pacing back and forth in the living room of the Salvatore home.

"D, I don't have a choice. It's the only way that's going to protect everyone."

"Give me one good reason why I can't just kill him."

Kayleigh shook her head, "He's a literal mad scientist, he'd probably turn you into a frog before you got close enough. Plus, what's to stop him from simply rising from the dead like he did last time?"

"Can't he get some other witch?"

"He can, right after he kills everyone I care about."

"You're a witch, can't you just put him down?"

Kayleigh frowned, "I am nowhere near strong enough and he is the only one that can wake Klaus from whatever hell he is in right now."

"So? Come on Kayleigh, we'd be killing two birds with one stone. Bye bye Bill Nye's evil twin, ad bye bye vampire hybrid freak."

"Damon, I can't just leave Klaus," Kayleigh was not only admitting this to Damon, but to herself as well, "I care about him."

Damon let out a long sigh, "Alright. Well let's get Bonnie and Stefan over here. He was always better at the plans that don't kill everyone."

Stefan and Bonnie arrived promptly and began composing a plan. It was difficult to say the least, considering the guy they were up against was a freak of nature who apparently could cheat death. They would use his infatuation with Kayleigh to their advantage.

Klaus was their best bet to getting rid of Jake for good. Which meant, to get him back, Kayleigh would have to complete the spell.

Jake could've had any witch do it, but he was dead set on having Kayleigh do it. It was a simple locator spell. A few words, a map, and it would be over. That's what she told her friends to make them agree.

"So Kayleigh does the locator spell, we get Klaus back, and what? What is Jake even looking for?" Damon asked.

"I don't know, he just told me it was a locator spell," Kayleigh replied, "Maybe he'll just leave after the spell is done."

"I don't like the idea of him being out there, and knowing where you are. We need to get rid of him." Stefan said, adding to the conversation.

Bonnie spoke up, "We could put him to sleep and lock him in a coffin?"

"And feed him to sharks!" Kayleigh said, only partially joking.

"Either way, we are going to take the bastard down."

Everyone had separated from the Salvatore residence. Kayleigh wasn't meeting with Jake until tomorrow, she wanted to do something first.

She walked up the stairs to the second floor and entered the room she had been in with Klaus on her birthday. His body was laid on the bed in the middle of the room. His eyes were still open, but with only the white showing. Every now and then he would twitch, due to the unimaginable pain he was in.

Kayleigh frowned and walked to the bed, sitting herself on the edge, and picked up his hand. His hand was cold, unlively, but still soft when she touched it.

"Klaus," Kayleigh said. She didn't know if he would be able to hear her given his current state, but she wanted to talk to him anyways. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm going to do everything I can to get this stupid blade out of you, no matter what."

She paused for a moment, "I was scared of you, before I met you, I only knew what my friends told me. But when I saw you the night of the ball, in your art room, I got a good feeling, and I knew you weren't bad. I really don't know what Jake's planning, but I doubt it's good. I just hope he stays true to his promise and takes that damn blade out of you."

Kayleigh looked at the clock that was on the bedside table, and realized she must get going soon. "I'll see you tomorrow, prince charming." She wished Klaus could see her smile, remembering the night of the ball when she joked of her glass slipper. "Even though right now you look more like sleeping beauty to me."


K SO this chapter is short and shitty BUT i forgot how much i love this book so after so long of not updating here u go little quesadillas$$

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