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The day after the ball, Elena told Kayleigh they needed to talk. And that's how Kayleigh, Damon and Stefan ended up in the Gilbert's kitchen trying, and failing, to make lunch.

"Just give me the knife!" Kayleigh yelled at Damon, who was a horrendous cook.

"Why? So you can stab me again?"

"It was an accident! I slipped!" Kayleigh said. She had slipped, and the blade sliced Damon's hand open, though it healed quickly, so it wasn't even a big deal.

"Fine," Damon muttered, passing the knife to Kayleigh. "This better be the best damn lunch you've ever made."

Once the lunch was finished, the four sat around the table and Elena explained why she called everyone to her house.

"Wait, so all the Mikaelsons are linked?" Stefan said.

"And their mother is going to kill them?" Damon added. Elena nodded her head, and Kayleigh just stared at her plate. She didn't know how to feel.

"Kayleigh," Elena said grabbing her attention, "You haven't said anything."

"I, I don't know what to say. I mean, I know that they've done terrible things, but Rebekah is my friend."

"Rebekah stood by Klaus's side." Stefan said.

"No, Rebekah helped you try and kill Klaus, before you put a dagger in her heart."

"So that's it? You're taking their side?" Damon said.

"No, I'm not taking sides. We can't stop Esther, the least we could do is warn them."

"No! What are you, crazy?" Damon asked standing up.

"She does have a point," Elena said, "Elijah doesn't deserve to die either. He did everything he could to save my life."

"No, no, no. Did I mention no? Elijah ruined our plan to kill Klaus the first time. We can't have any pity parties. We can finally be rid of them." Damon stood is ground. Everyone knew he wouldn't budge. He wanted them dead.

"He's right. Klaus has to die, they all do." Stefan said.

Kayleigh's heart sunk in her chest, "This is wrong." With that, she excused herself from the kitchen and went to bathroom to cool down.

"What do we do about her?" Damon asked.

"I don't know. I know she won't tell them, she wouldn't do that to me, but the guilt is going to eat her alive." Elena said.

"Rebekah must've compelled her to be her friend." Damon joked. They knew that wasn't true though, Kayleigh wore vervain.

"Wait that's it," Stefan said, "let's just compel her to forget."

"Are you kidding? We can't compel her?" Elena said.

"Sure we can. Does she drink vervain?"

"No, no, she uh, she just has a vervain bracelet." Elena answered.

Elena knew what Bonnie would say if she found it. She was right, it's wrong to take away someone's right to chose. How Stefan could compel someone against their will after what happened that summer was beyond Elena. She could stop it. She should stop it. But she can't risk Kayleigh getting in the way.

Kayleigh walked out of the bathroom and sat back at the table. Her mood was off, it was obvious to everyone in the room.

"Kayleigh," Stefan said grabbing her hands, "We have to do this."

Quickly, Stefan grabbed her vervain bracelet. "Stefan, what are-"

"You are not going to remember that anyone is planning on killing the original family. You are going to forget Elena had something important to tell us." Stefan stared deep into Kayleigh's eyes, the compulsion clearly working. Elena couldn't look at her best friend, she felt to guilty.

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