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Katerina was awakened by shouts and dogs barking outside of the tree stump she had made her home for the night. They grew louder as they drew near. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, clasping her hands together in prayer that she would not be found.

It was morning, which meant her disappearance had surely been noticed by now, and a search party was organized, already on the lookout for her. He had been determined to marry her, so much so that her pleas had fallen on deaf and unsympathetic ears. The ears of a man that saw what he wanted and would stop at nothing to get it.

No matter how right or wrong.

This would also mean other kingdoms would soon be informed to watch for any sign of her and return her, probably for a hefty sum too.

So she couldn't be found, for she would immediately be identified by her golden hair, fair skin, and diamond blue eyes.

The barking of the dogs came again, louder, probably only a treeline away. She began to rub more dirt onto her skin and pulled the hood of the thousand fur cloak over her head to hide her hair. She hunkered down and continued to pray as the voices became clearer.

"Over here! The hounds found something!" A man called out, and boots stormed the forest floor.

"Father in heaven please protect me." She whispered a quick prayer and squeezed her eyes shut tight as if they could not find her if she could not see them.

Unfortunately, despite her well-concealed hiding place and prayer, there was little Princess Katerina could do to hide from the sharp nose of a bloodhound.

A rough hand came down on her shoulder, and pulled at the collar of the cape lifting her out of the hollowed tree, "It's a strange beast, sire!" Yelled the man holding her. He had a thick accent and a scruffy beard but his clothes were well-tailored and his boots were surprisingly free of scuffs.

"Please don't kill me!" She cried out in fear as a pair of horses rode up to them.

"That's no beast, it's a girl!" One of the men on the horses laughed with a deep and almost comforting tone, "Set her down."

The hold on her collar loosened and she was able to breathe properly again, her fear not having allowed her to notice the lack of oxygen but as soon as it filled her lungs once again it stung, "Thank you-" She coughed.

"What are you doing here, girl? These are the private woods of King Theodore IV." The second man said, his horse moving its head not happy to be standing still. He was much younger than his riding companion but he held an air of power and confidence about him.

"I- I'm sorry." She said, her head bowed not wanting to be recognized, "I didn't realize I had wandered so far."

"Where are you from girl?" The younger man continued to question her.

"Nowhere, sir-"


"Alexander!" The elder man held up a gloved hand stopping him from speaking, "This poor creature doesn't appear to be able to harm a flea let alone any of us."

"It probably has fleas." Alexander huffed annoyed.

"What do we do with her sire?" The large brute beside her asked.

"Take her back to the castle and give her to the kitchen staff. They will find work for her I'm sure."

"You want this filthy thing to serve our meals?" The boy spit, his horse neighing impatiently.

"I am your king and your father. You will respect me even after my crown is passed to you," The older man growled making Katerina gasp, and dropped to her knees. She had wandered directly into another King's hands, "Do you understand?"

The True Tale of ThousandfursWhere stories live. Discover now