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A synchronized beat of pounding horse hooves echoed through every home in the kingdom of Claridon as the Prince and his soldiers returned home.

Katerina's heart jumped as she watched out her window, her hands aimlessly looping a sewing needle back and forth through a scrap of fabric.

He was back.

Setting her work down on the window sill she jumped out of her seat, her fingers curling around the window frame. As soon as the first horse passed through the gate she hurried out of her room eager to meet them.

Alexander raced ahead of all the others, storming through the castle gates just as they were being opened, to welcome the army home.

He wasted no time in dismounting and passing the reigns to the stable boy who caught them with a boyish fumble. He didn't notice though, because his eyes and his mind were set on one thing only and that was his beautiful mutt.

He felt guilty for leaving without a formal goodbye or even a farewell at all but he knew his journey had to begin as soon as possible or else their marriage would be postponed further than he would like.

He had missed her every night but it was only a reminder of what was to come and the beautiful golden-haired girl he would share a bed with for the rest of his life. He spent the waking hours, riding home to her, wondering if their children will share the same golden hair and blue eyes as their mother or his own olive-toned skin.

Alexander unhooked his riding gloves taking the palace steps two at a time, eager to make his way to his bride's tower and hold her once more. To spend the rest of his days in her company as it should be. He had done his time in the Royal militia and unless the duty called for him again he wished to retire his armor.

As he was passing through the palace threshold his mother appeared, frantically waving her arms in front of him, "Did you find him?" She begged to know, but the disgruntled look on his face was all the answer she needed.

"It matters not. She is to be my wife and mine alone and no one not even God can stop that!" He attempted to push passed his mother but she stopped him once more.

"You must calm down-"

"I wish to see her."

"You cannot." The queen told him, "if you are still so certain that her father's blessing holds no weight, then your wedding night is to be in less than a day. We have to ensure that she is yours before anyone can object. You just restrain yourself."

"I am not going to force myself upon her mother, I only wish to see her." He explained with an exasperated sigh, "I have never before gone so long without at least seeing her face even just for a moment, until now."

"But you must respect tradition. A bride shall not be seen by her husband until they meet at the alter." She reminded him sternly, "If you had returned a day sooner perhaps I would allow it."

Alexander's shoulders slouched and his confidence shattered to the floor around him like a stained glass window. He rubbed his furrowed brow in frustration, a mumble of curse words strung under his breath.

Turning his back to his mother he reentered the courtyard where his line of soldiers awaited bent at the knee, their heads down and their right fist over their heart, vowing their honor.

"We shall continue our search for King Paul of Lenningston after my wedding night." He announced, "may you all rest and prepare for the journey ahead and I shall see you all at tomorrow night's banquet." Prince Alexander dismissed his guards, returning inside.

The queen took up his arm and he politely began to escort her through the winding hallways, to her chambers where his father was already resting.

"He is very anxious to hear any news about your return."

"And what of my bride?" He asked, "has she spoken about me?"

The queen hesitated, her feet stumbling over each other and she struggled to find her words, "I have seen very little of Princess Katerina."

"Was she upset I was unable to share my goodbyes with her?" He pressed, his heart burning with anxiety. His greatest fear was to upset her and his sudden departure so soon before their union must have been difficult for her to understand.

"I cannot be sure. I did not tell her." The queen confessed.

"Did anyone tell her I had gone? That I was not simply roaming the grounds avoiding her?" His voice echoed off the stone walls, with each word his voice gaining intensity, "Instead I wished to be here every night, yet I was not."

His mother stumbled backward, startled by his harsh tone. She opened her mouth to reprimand him but quickly closed it. In a day he would be taking the throne and behavior such as this would be his to choose and regulate. She had no choice in the matter if he chose to strike her or banish her for the smallest of infractions.

"I am sorry, my son." She folded her hands in front of her, "It did not cross my mind. We have been preparing for the wedding."

"I left specific instructions for her to be looked after," He continued, rubbing his temples, "Did no one bother to ask her if she was alright?"

"She appeared well to me."

"Of course she did! A sweet thing like her complains not for the smallest of inconveniences!" He was absolutely livid and outraged that no one shared his remorse for his sudden disappearance.

What if she no longer wished to marry him?

As if she had a choice.

The door to the King's chambers swung open and Alexander's father stepped forward, wearing his nightshirt and a disapproving frown.

"You will speak to your mother with more respect than that." His deep voice commanded, "A king knows when to unleash his anger and it should never be on his mother or his wife. Am I understood, boy?"

Alexander cringed at the scolding but nodded, "Yes, father." He hung his head and peered up at his mother with a sorrowed brow, "my apologies mother. I was upset."

"What is the matter then?" The king gently pushed his wife inside of their room and closed the door, leaving him and his son to stand alone in the corridor.

"Was Katerina not informed of my journey?" He asked, attempting to control the bitter rage that sparked every time he thought about it.

"If you did not provide specific instructions nor say your own goodbye, I am not sure any servants would have spoken to her about it," Theodore explained.

"It is not the servants I expected to tell her..." he groaned pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Rest now. You have had a long day."

Following his father's word, Alexander turned on his heel and headed up the steps to his tower, but he had few plans for rest, "I must make this right." He murmured to himself as he entered his room, the warm and comforting feeling of familiarity soothing his frazzled nerves.

However, he did not waste time dwelling on the space. Instead, he pulled a small wooden chest out of his bedside drawer.

Finals are next week which In college at least for me is super chill. I have one test out of all four of my classes.
Totally getting my moneys worth lol

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