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"I-I do not understand." She replied, still keeping her eyes down at her lap and off of him, petrified. She was grateful he could not see her arms shaking beneath her cloak, though she was sure he could smell the fear on her.

He was an animal.

"Wash me," He repeated, as if it was as simple as her breathing air, a grin gleaming on his lips.

"This- this isn't proper." She argued, shaking her head. Everything she had ever been taught throughout her entire life coming back to her. Knowing she was to save herself for the man she would someday marry and here she was, in the same room as a man, baring all his glory before her.

The prince sat up, the clear water rippling over his well-defined chest, catching the morning light that shone through the window, "You sit before your Prince and deny him?" He asked, appalled.

"No, Your Highness." She spit out quickly, not wanting to face his anger. She thought of an excuse as her eyes searched for an escape, "I just- I do not know... how."

"Then I will have to show you." His grin widened, "Give me your hand." He said, reaching out to her.

Thousandfurs shook her head, finally meeting his gaze, "No-" She moved back, but caught her foot on her skirt before she could stand.

"Yes!" Alexander growled, snatching up her arm, splashing water onto her cloak. He yanked her closer to him, making her lose her balance and grab the edge of the tub with her one free hand. She gasped, coming face-to-face with his manhood, eliciting a startled yelp.

She fought desperately to get him to release her, but he held fast, never letting her get more than a few inches from the tub. His wet fingers washed away the soot and dirt that coated her arms, revealing her creamy flesh beneath it.

He leaned closer, his nose tracing over her chin, and up her cheek making her freeze, "What are you so afraid of, my mutt?"

He could feel her staggered breath blow against his loose wet hair that hung around his ears. He closed his eyes, enjoying the thundering of her heartbeat.

She didn't answer him, but she didn't need to.

Her silence told him everything.

He leaned away slowly, suddenly relinquishing his hold on her arm, "You stink."

"Please your highness, let me return to the kitchen." She begged practically sobbing and crawled backward to get away from him.

"We both know you are no beast at all, so why must you continue to lie?" He asked, watching her very closely, his eyes burning under her skin. He dared her to get up and try to leave before her duty was completed.

He wanted her to.

He taunted her too.

"Take off your cloak." He ordered sternly, the amused grin slipping away.

"I cannot." She whispered.

"Yes, you can and your will, for I command it of you!" He barked angrily, "You continue to defy me as if you hold any say in how your life shall be. I own you. You are mine! I found you in those woods and you will serve me."

Princess Katerina's mind told her that she would rather die than befall this fate, but her fingers betrayed her and slowly the string that held together the thousand furs that covered her, came undone.

The cloak fell to the floor in a massive heap, relieving a physical weight from around her shoulders, but adding a stake of pain in her heart.

"And the bonnet."

The True Tale of ThousandfursWhere stories live. Discover now