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Katerina's hands shook as she finished the last of the massive pile of dishes, dreading the additional pile that would come in the morning. She dreaded a lot of things but what stuck out in her mind the most-

She dreaded what the prince may do to her.

His intentions were not clear, but he certainly had an interest in her. Whether it was simply to torment and frighten her or to try to charm and lure her into his bed, she didn't like either.

Both came with their own negativities that she did not wish to explore. 

The fire crackled on, her only companion in the now empty kitchen. Massive amounts of food had been cut and prepped for tomorrow's party and she wanted nothing more than to lay down on her small mattress and fall fast asleep, and never see tomorrow come.

She looked at her aching, sore fingers in the orange glow and sighed. Her skin was cracked and irritated but there wasn't much she could do about it now. She slowly stood and stripped herself of her filthy apron and crawled into her small cupboard to rest.

She laid her head down, using her cloak as a pillow, and did her best to push any intrusive thoughts to the back of her mind.

Tomorrow the prince would be so busy, as well as she that he wouldn't spare her a thought let alone try anything. So many beautiful princesses in their perfect gowns, parading around and enjoying themselves. She sighed before sleep consumed her, remembering how she would sit awake looking out her window at the stars, dreaming of the day she could have her very own ball to find her husband.

Glittering stars seemed to float around Katerina as she glided down the palace steps, her white ball gown, blooming out around her like she was a giant rosebud.

She smiled at the guests that gawked at her in complete awe of her beauty. Her golden hair fell to her waist in elegant twists and curls, a few loose strands framing her face. Her creamy white skin only separated from the color of the gown by its pinkish hue.

Her crystal blue eyes searched around her, her heart seeking something that it was unable to find. Her mother and father perhaps, to be able to wish her a happy birthday, but neither was around her and disappointment flooded her.

The dance floor began to crowd as couples moved in, trapping her in the middle when the fiddles started to play. She spun around amongst the guests, lost and confused, unable to stop all the dancing that surrounded her. Unable to be able to breathe for one minute.

It felt as if she were underwater and screaming and yet no one could hear her. All oblivious to her panic and distress, enjoying the party.

"My lady?" A cool wave of calm filled her from the soles of her feet to her tiara nestled perfectly among her blonde locks. That deep, mesmerizing voice swam through her, calling her, "Would you care to dance?"

She looked up with hooded eyelids to see this stranger who stood before her. His suit jacket was adorned with medals of every kind, some of which she couldn't even name. His arms appeared strong and his shoulders broad even under his thick suit.

"Your highness!" She gasped and stepped back, grabbing her hair which was now on full display for the world to see, "I- I-"

This party wasn't for her...

Prince Alexander chuckled and only moved closer, "I was not informed that such a beautiful woman would be making an appearance, but I must admit that I can not deny my delight." He took her hand and gently kissed her knuckles, his eyes never leaving hers.

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