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Darkness fell on the fourth night of the first week in December, as the full moon hung above the last of the trees, clinging to their leaves. Throughout all of the town, lanterns lit the windowsills of the people, guiding the way up the cobblestone path to the palace that was nestled on the hillside. A long parade of carriages, just as the days before, made their way up to the castle, prepared to attend the ball once more.

All the princesses still held out hope that they were the girl the Prince was seeking, though most already knew it was hopeless. The girl with the gown as bright as the sun had stolen his heart and she kept it hidden from them.

However, the ball was not just for bachelorettes, but reigning monarchs as well to come and enjoy the festivities as a way of ensuring new and old alliances with the Kingdom. King Theodore already knew the outcome of this event, being exactly as he wished it, and decided to use the gathering to his advantage, and not waste any time.

What the king did not plan for was the appearance of a carriage, shrouded in black like a funeral march. He had sent no such invitation to the man inside, but rumors fly like birds and cross enemy lines. This unwelcome visitor was very intrigued to hear of the woman with a dress that shone like the moon, dancing with the Prince at the last ball.

Prince Alexander had made certain the next ball would happen as soon as possible and was held only two days after the last. He had spoken to the court priest, whose knowledge was not solely based in God but other more frowned upon arts of magic and witchcraft.

He had revealed that truths would unfold on the night of the full moon and thus, he set the date for what he planned to be the final ball.

He would get his woman and he had no plans to allow her to escape. He had guards posted at every entrance and every exit. At his command, they would stop anyone attempting to leave the grounds.


The kitchen was warm and stuffy, Chef zipping back and forth preparing everything that would need to be served soon. Once again, Thousandfurs had been commanded to make the soup for the royal family after the ball. She preferred to have a task to keep her busy instead of accidentally getting in Chef's way.

She had already earned permission to watch the party after the feast concluded, and she couldn't stop bouncing around in excitement. A pair of diamond-encrusted heels awaited her in her cubby, along with a mask to match, with hanging jewels framing the edges.

The set was gorgeous and would match her dress perfectly. Truth be told, despite its negative past and how it came to be, the gown that sparked like all the stars in the night sky was her favorite. It was so elegant, so beautiful, and wearing it may be the last time she would ever feel like a princess.

That was unless she could convince the prince to marry her, which may be easier if she did not face a time limit, cutting their interactions short.

She was so terrified of breaking the rules that even with her own life on the line for a better future, her obedience and craving for safety kept getting in the way.

But she was determined that tonight would be the final night. If not she would go to the king for help and she would do whatever it was he decided for her fate. Whether that be marrying his son or remaining a creature locked away in the kitchen.

Anything was better than being her own father's bride.

So once more, as soon as the festivities began she cleaned herself up and brushed her hair with a cluster of loose twigs that she managed to bundle together in a makeshift comb. She slipped into the dress, the corset just barely creating a form around her shockingly thin frame. In a matter of 6 months, she had dropped an alarming amount of weight and she only noticed when she dressed like the princess she once was.

The True Tale of ThousandfursOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz