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Diamond teardrops slid from Thousandfur's glass blue eyes as she looked down at her mother's ring, now perched on her wedding finger. She swallowed a thick lump that slowly had begun to form in the back of her throat, trying her best to keep her breathing steady as her chest fell at an uneven pace.

"But... You don't know me." She whispered, "You don't even know my name!"

That was no longer the truth, but she did not know that "It doesn't matter what your name is." He admitted,  cupping her cheek and wiping away her tears, "You will be my wife and will want for nothing. No one can hurt you any longer."

"That does not calm my nerves. You wished to know me then, but now that I am here, you do not care to share such pleasantries." Katerina took a step back, placing a foot of distance between them.

"My darling, it is not that I don't wish to know." He started, "What I am saying is that it does not matter if you are a beast or a princess. I have grown fond of you either way. Of course, I wish to know the name of the beautiful woman who has entranced me."

A secret part of him hoped, for her very sake she was not who the deviant king had claimed her to be. As terrible as it may sound, it was best that the girl remain dead to the world and not suddenly appear out of the mist.

The lonely princess licked her lips, taking a deep breath before her voice broke through the stunning silence that filled the tower, "My name is Katerina."

Alexander closed the gap she had put between them, curling his fingers around the back of her neck, "My lovely, Katerina." He pressed his forehead to hers, breathing in the rich scent of the kitchen fire that clung to her hair and skin, "How long I have waited to hear you say those words."

"I wished to tell you, but I was so afraid my lord." She picked up his other hand, fiddling with his thick fingers, avoiding his curious gaze, "You frightened me so often and I was certain you would end me the moment you had the chance. I am surprised still, that you did not."

Alexander grabbed her fingers, stopping her nervous tick, "When I took you into those woods I wished to know the truth of the girl you were. The girl who circled my mind every night before I could sleep."

"My name is Katerina." She spoke with more confidence, looking up slowly, meeting his gaze, "I am Katerina of Lenningston." Her dusty pink lips turned upwards and a brilliant smile overtook her opal face, "I have not shared my name in so long, I feared I had almost forgotten it."

"There was a legend of the princess of Lenningston being more beautiful than her mother, and dare I admit that they underestimated the magnitude of your beauty."

Piercing daggers sank into her heart, as memories of pain from the mere sound of her name, reminded her of the reason behind the shamed cloak she hid beneath, "Or I was Katerina of Lenningston... I fear I am no longer." Not that she wished to remain in any way tied to her father but it had been her home for years, all of her life in fact. She knew that one day she would be forced to leave and enter her husband's kingdom but she never suspected it would be like this.

"Now you shall be Katerina of Claridon." He shushed her, brushing her golden locks between two fingers, "Nothing more to cry about, my love."

There were several reasons for her to continue her sobbing. One of which made an appearance in the ballroom that very evening.

Pushing aside any intrusive thoughts that dared to invade this moment that should be filled with happiness, she relished in the comfort of his touch. She wrapped her own thin arms, which were no longer healthy and plump, but frail and weak from work, around his neck. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the hickory soap that coated his black locks. Peace was all she wanted at that moment and she was receiving it in the arms of the man she never thought would accept her for a human being.

Alexander pulled away, holding her out to him at arm's length. He looked over her, pride swelling in his chest knowing that the most gorgeous of all women would soon share his bed, "Come! I must introduce you to my mother and father!" He took her hand with a brilliant smile and began to lead her to the door.

The lost princess dug her heels into the wood floor, shaking her head adamantly, clawing at his wrist to let her go, "No! My lord please- no!" She begged, "I cannot return to the ballroom, please do not make me!"

He stopped, looking back over his shoulder, as he momentarily stopped his attempt to drag her out of the tower, "Why not?"

"There are people down there..." She bit her bottom lip roughly, trying to control the shake in her words, "And I... I fear they will harm me."

Alexander's eyes darkened, his brow narrowing, "I will never allow anyone or anything to hurt you. I swear."

"I know..." she smiled shyly, "You scare me. I can only imagine what you would do to an enemy."

"Perhaps it is sick to say this but I do enjoy your fear." He chuckled, leaning in closer, tracing the tip of his nose down the curve of her jaw, "I just much prefer it now that I can have a proper taste."

Katerina shivered and grasped his arms in an attempt to keep herself upright, "Please... Do not make me return tonight."

The prince hummed in thought, the vibration tickling her cheek, "Not tonight." He agreed, "but, tomorrow we must join them for breakfast."

"Your father will be very pleased." She told him.

"Why is that, my darling?" Alexander asked, moving them away from the entrance to the small seating area beside the warm fire.

She sat down on the plush couch, her dress pooling around her feet, "It was his idea for us to dance at the ball. He wanted you to choose me, so that I would be safe." She nervously rubbed her heel into the floor.

Alexander squatted beside the flames and poked the logs, embers flying into the cold air crackling like fireworks, "Why did father not mention this to me? For surely there would be no need for such an event if he had wanted our union. I would not have been opposed to marrying such a lovely young woman as you."

"It was not him who made the decision to keep my identity a secret." She clarified, "It was I who feared being returned to Lenningston. After he recognized me, he helped me to stay hidden."

"But why?" The prince stood back up and joined her on the loveseat, "It would have been much easier had you come forward and revealed yourself to me sooner. I could have protected you from so much... from my own judgment even."

Katerina smiled sadly and tucked away a dark strand of his hair that was covering his eyes, "You were not the only one." She sighed, "I presented you a beast. An animal living amongst you. I too would have been quick to draw harsh thoughts and feelings. I was only a servant."

"But you're not!" He exclaimed, grabbing onto her hips and pulling her closer, "Now you are among the noblest of families. You are to be a magnificent mother and queen."

"I admire your family. Your mother and father are splendid examples of a kingdom run with love and charity. That is all I have ever wanted."

"And I shall give it to you." He smiled deviously, bunching up the lace shoulder of her gown and pressing it between his fingers. "After all, I have you in my room until the foreseeable future. For as long as I like, I can have you in my bed."

"You behave as though you did not have ample chance to claim me before you knew of my station. My prior station that is." She too could not help a smile, her body growing hot like a thousand pricks of fire stinging her skin, "Was that you being a gentleman?"

"I have my moments, but I should admit to you that despite my terrible behavior,  I never once thought to risk taking advantage of you." His wide eyes glazed up from where he had been fixated on her chest, still, unfortunately, confined in her dress, "I knew that I would have you someday and that thought was enough to make me wait to savor the sweetness of your virtue."

"Even as a beast, you would have wanted to wed me?" She asked doubtfully.

"I shall do, whatever it is I must, so no other man may touch what is mine."

If you want to support me:
Cashapp & Venmo: Paigeirene15

Happy 1 year anniversary Zach! And happy 24th birthday!

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