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Katerina's heart broke at the sight of the King. The man who had helped her when she needed it most was lying in bed, just like her mother had before her death. She pleaded with God, just as she had then, to give them more time.

More time.

She wanted to say so many things, thank him every day for all he had done for her but nothing would come out of her mouth. No matter how hard she tried, the words did not pass her lips. She could only stand there and cry.

"I am not dead yet, child!" Theodore joked, patting her tiny hand, "Cry for me when I am gone not when I am here."

"I apologize, my lord." She murmured, wiping her eyes with Alexander's handkerchief, "I only wish for your health to return. I do not wish to see you in pain."

She felt slightly guilty for mourning a man not even dead when her own father had been torn limb from limb and she felt no sorrow.

Her own father and she did not care that he was dead.

"Do not worry about my pain, dear." He tried to comfort her, but it was clear behind his eyes. Every breath strained against his lungs as if it were his last.

"Nothing can be done?" Alexander asked, standing at the foot of the bed, his mother watching on beside him.

"The physician cannot even name his ailment." The queen sighed, clutching her hands to her chest, her fingers interlocked, "They have tried all that they can and so far it has only gotten worse."

The king was in his late 50s, his graying beard and wrinkles aging his appearance greatly. His deteriorating health did not help matters and enlarged the rings under his eyes and the heavy outlines of his bones beneath his thin skin. For the last several years he appeared in good health, it was only so suddenly he hit a noticeable decline.

Alexander struggled to mourn his ailing father when there was so much at hand. As he had said, he was not dead yet. He knew his father would understand and would prefer him to continue ruling the kingdoms rather than crying over what could not be undone.

Still, he did not want to lose his father, "Have you been offered alternative medicine?" He asked, keeping his question vague. The cryptic message was not so hard to decode and its meaning easily clicked with all present.

"Alexander!" Katerina gasped at the prospect of bringing dark magic into their homes. Working with witch doctors and sorcerers was never a good idea, "Have you no heart! If you invite Satan into our lives, he will surely die!"

"I only meant it as a possibility." He tried to calm her, "I spoke with a healer on our way from Lenningston. He is willing to offer his resources to the crown at no cost."

"It does not matter the cost." The queen jutted in, "I will pay him more than his weight in gold if he can fix my husband." 

Theodore chuckled, the raspy sound sickly but joyful nonetheless, "Whether it helps or not, I am willing to allow this man into our home. I will have a room set up for him during his stay."

"That is black magic." Katerina continued to fret, "This is dangerous to tempt the unknown."

"Oh, my sweet girl." The king smiled, patting her hand, "If he attempts to place a curse on me then you can say you knew best but at this moment I am selfish. I wish to live to see my grandchildren." His eyes were sunken in, dark against his pale skin, but still so full of life. Life he deserved to live.

Katerina frowned, looking at the queen and Alexander for help, but both only watched her with the same plea. Neither wanted to see him die and her opinion meant everything to him.

"If you believe it to be best." She murmured, turning in her chair so she was facing away from him, "I still do not like it."

"There is another matter of discussion, father," Alexander mentioned, the mood turning somber and more serious. The playful attitude that the king tried to keep around to uplift everyone could not help here, "Lady Katerina and I are wed but not officially." He was silently hinting at their lack of consummation, without outright saying it in front of the women, "For her sake, I wished to wait awhile longer so we may be settled in but I no longer believe that to be an option."

The queen rubbed her son's arm, a sympathetic gaze passing between him to Katerina. Their wedding had been ruined and despite their vows sealing them, that day was taken away from them.

King Theodore, covered his mouth as he coughed, the scratching in his throat coming out with each wheezing breath, "Yes. For my sake and the two kingdoms, it is best you join in union, sooner rather than later." His breathing grew labored and his wife rushed to his side, holding a cup of water to his parched lips.

"I will begin the arrangements." He nodded, his face set like stone, watching emotionless as his father lay weak in bed.

"Nothing big, please, my lord." Katerina asked, standing to follow him out the door, "Something simple and private. Somewhere no one can find us."

Alexander thought about her request, a brief and small smile grazing his lips, "As you wish my darling."

At her command, the small ceremony was quickly erected in a matter of two days. After getting to know her all these months later, the new king was certain his bride would have been happy walking down an aisle made of mud as long as they were alone. She was simple and it was a quality he deeply admired about her.

Finding the perfect spot for the occasion was easy and on the day of, he rode ahead of his mother and father, to make sure everything was in order. The clearing under the large oak tree was beautiful this time of year. The spring blossoms all around them filling the air with the fresh scent of new beginnings.

A set of benches were placed near the center of the clearing, facing the oak tree where a decorative circular stone had been placed for them to stand on.

King Alexander smiled, excited that finally their union would be complete and nothing and no one could ever separate them again. No matter the objections, though there should be none among the small crowd, he was going to have her as his wife.

He wanted to ensure Katerina had the best experience and that was not throwing himself on her despite them technically already having been officially wed. She deserved to be loved and wooed. She deserved a wedding that actually went according to plan.

The scars on her hands were nothing compared to the scars upon her heart. All he wanted was to wrap her in silk for the rest of her life and keep her safe.

The sun was beginning to descend in the late afternoon when King Theodore's carriage arrived, along with the priest. He was still very unwell and was bundled in a large cloak, to beat his chill. Alexander would have hosted the wedding inside the castle if it was not for the King's own persistence to not worry about him.

He would make any sacrifice necessary for the princess.

Next, it was the bride's carriage that broke through the clearing. Alexander waited impatiently at the makeshift alter under the large oak as he watched first the handmaiden Viviana exit the carriage, followed by his mother.

The two women were among the few guests, though the surrounding guards could be considered witnesses and there were plenty of them.

But he did not care about any of them. It was the bundle of golden hair emerging from the carriage that made his heart swing in his chest. Unlike before, her large white gown had been replaced with a delicate pale pink dress. The sleeves feel off her shouldered in a bundle of sheer fabric, twisting together in front of her bosom. His eyes devoured her the closer she stepped, the walk short but seemingly forever.

As soon as she was within reach, he grabbed her hand and whisked her in front of him, an eager smile invading his lips.

Katerina giggled, a golden curl falling from her updo and into her face, "My old dress was ruined." She confessed.

Alexander only shrugged and stroked her cheek, "You looked beautiful in furs. You will look beautiful in anything, my darling."

I actively just started a new book- still have to finish this book and edit it and I'm stressing about what my next book will be 😂 this has been my life for the last 3 years and I doubt I'll finish Halo of Horns anytime soon!

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