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Her father had not lied when he said the entire kingdom of Lenningston was awaiting her return. Even outside of the city walls, farmers and small village settlements within the border appeared to be celebrating her arrival. They waved at the passing caravan and the king, leading the army of men home.

The streets of the city were flooded with people decorating the town square, and children playing alongside their parent's stalls at the market. As they drove through the streets, the citizens stared, glancing between each other as if they weren't sure how to behave. Others bowed before the passing royalty, showing their respect, which only spiked Katerina's guilt. She felt horrible for abandoning her people, especially in a time of need after their Queen's death. Her choice to leave was never meant to hurt anyone, it was only to protect herself.

It was her duty as a princess to put her life out on the line for her people. Their happiness above all others and she had broken the most basic expectations by abandoning them. Not only did she leave, but she also brought an entirely different kingdom into her downfall. How could she have been so selfish?

She couldn't look out the carriage windows anymore, slumping back in her seat and hanging her head in shame. She wished she could disappear. Perhaps it would have been better for everyone if she had died in those woods, or stayed hidden.

Better for who?

Even her thoughts continued to remain selfish. She tried as hard as she could to place herself in the position she was born to do and remain dignified but her heart crumbled every time.

Her wedding dress, once beautiful was now soaked in her blood, and disgraced. The ring that once adorned her finger, was safe in the hands of the Queen, and she hoped Alexander would always remember her.

She expected him to take another wife. He had to. There was no other option for the only heir of Claridon. She had to let him go because he was not going to wait for her.

Wait for what?

She was never going to be free again, her father would make certain of that.

The carriage rolled into the guarded gates of the massive castle. Lenningston was much larger than Claridon, by several thousand citizens and the palace that the royals resided in showed proof of this vast wealth they maintained from their subject's hard work.

Katerina's mother had been an advocate for the people but in the time since her death, the people of Lenningston had gone hungry and suffered at the hands of the grieving king. After the princess' disappearance, his wrath became more brutal and destructive, leaving several families without homes or jobs.

The king was too prideful to admit his wrongdoings, and his soldiers were much too afraid of being outcast, or worse dead due to gossiping about the dishonorable truth. But no one need speak, for the city spoke for itself the boarded up shops and dirty streets unable to hide behind this banner of excitement.

It broke her heart in two to know her father had had not upheld his promises and duties. The guilt almost made her want to submit herself to the life of a queen, wishing to repair the kingdom to what it once was, even if it meant suffering at the hands of her father.

"We have arrived, my lady." The coachman opened the carriage door, bowing low and not making eye contact with the poor girl. Either it was his orders or he could not bear the thought of assisting such an evil and sinful man in fulfilling this dastardly scheme.

"Thank you," Katerina whispered, carefully attempting to balance with her bound hands, as she stepped out, teetering dangerously on her heel. Grasping the door quickly she managed to steady herself before she could fall. No one came to her assistance, all the guards standing at attention in a wide circle around the courtyard. Maids were lined up along the path to the massive palace doors, their hands folded behind their backs, watching.

The True Tale of ThousandfursOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant