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"can i kiss you?"

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"can i kiss you?"


Minho made Alice stay back in the Glade. Again. It made her grit her teeth, but she could understand why she was staying behind as Newt needed someone to help him continue to run the Glade while the serum worked its way through Alby's system (Teresa had come up with three vials of fluid in her pocket), there was someone watching him at every moment of the day to see if and when he would wake up. But out of habit, she still had her running harness and wrist guards on as they were a comforting presence to her.

While she was toiling away in the garden with the others, everyone looked up when they heard the loud crashes of the Maze changing shape – they had never heard it make so much noise before, it made everyone wonder what on earth Thomas and Minho could be getting up to out there. It sounded like the noises were coming from the outer section and everyone moved over to the door to see if they would be coming out soon.

Sure enough, a few minutes later Thomas and Minho jogged out of the Maze - they were both drenched in sweat. They had found something.

"Their way in could be our way out!" Thomas spoke while they marched away from the doors, Minho was frantically whispering to Alice about the specific location of the door and Alice was whispering back about why they would not have seen it.

Of course, Gally had to open his big mouth, "or there could be a dozen Grievers waiting on the other side! Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual."

The spitting match between Thomas and Gally was interrupted when Teresa came over and told them that Alby was finally awake. When they got over to his cot, Newt and Alice sat next to him, but he was not responding to anything that they were saying, he was like a ghost.

Alice couldn't wait to listen to what Alby was saying as she heard shouts coming from outside, she gestured to Chuck that she was heading out. When she got out, she pulled aside Sam and asked him what was happening, he told her that the doors weren't closing.

Fear rose in her throat, but she tried to look calm as she sprinted back over to the hut, she burst through the door and over to the little group, "the doors aren't closing." The atmosphere shifted immediately, and the air seemed to go cold all around them, and it made the hairs on the back of Alice's neck rise. They all ran outside and grabbed a few torches and followed the rest of the curious boys over to the doors that were, even in the darkness, showing the darker shade of the Maze.

They were looking into the empty chasm of the Maze when there was an ear-splitting noise, Alice clamped her hands over her ears along with everyone else. They turned to the source of the sound and saw that the other doors of the Maze were opening, one by one.

"This isn't going to be good." Alice muttered as she spun around quickly, trying to take in what was going on. Thomas quickly made the plan that they were going to hide out in the Council Hall and sent Chuck and Winston to go and barricade the door, alongside alerting people that weren't already stood with them.

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