03:01 - THE RESCUE

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"love, i haven't had fresh air in five months, just let me have this

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"love, i haven't had fresh air in five months, just let me have this."


The train skidded to a stop and Alice's body was thrown forward harshly, she grinned maniacally, the emotions that she had blocked out of her mind in order to survive all came flooding back. The atmosphere inside of the train was tense while they had to listen to them remove their crate form the chassis, there was the sound of continuous gunfire outside and Alice was afraid that whoever was saving them would be hurt. She tried to pull against the restraints that kept her chained to her separate seat all the way in the back of the crate but it was no use and just caused her wrists to become raw.

There was the sound of a burg floating over them and they all jolted again when Alice felt the feeling of them being lifted up into the air, all of the kids inside of the crate cheered – they knew that they were finally free from the clutches of W.C.K.D and all of their tests. It felt as though they were going through the air for a long time before the crate landed on the ground with a hard bang, Alice groaned as the vibrations of the crate touching down rolled through her body unpleasantly.

Suddenly, the darkness of the create was flooded with sparks by the door before there was silence and the door was kicked down. Alice was flooded with the most amount of relief that she had ever felt in her life. "Tom." Her broken voice whispered out when his eyes met hers, Thomas' face melted into one of relief too and he walked the last two paces to where Alice was sat at the back of the crate to wrap her into the tightest hug that he could.

Thomas' body heat was incredible against her own after so long of not having any physical contact with someone, "god, Allie, I missed you so much." He whispered to her while he checked her over, a thumb worryingly pressing over the blue bruise on her cheekbone. "I bet you gave them hell." There were tears gathering in Thomas' eyes and when one fell Alice wiped it away for him the way that she always did when they were children.

"Oh, you know it." Alice smiled, she was glancing over his shoulder to see if there was anyone else in the crate with them, Thomas grinned knowingly at her before he shouted of Newt. He gave her one last squeeze before he went to help Brenda get everyone out of their shackles, honestly Alice would have thought that Brenda would have turned by now but she's happy to see her friend still alive and well.

Newt came into the crate with a puzzled look on his face, "what? I was getting the..." His voice trailed off when he saw Alice sitting meekly in her seat, clearly weaker than she has even been but never losing her fighting spirit.

"Allie!" Newt choked out while he moved down the small isle as fast as he could and wrapped Alice into a hug that made her choke a little with its intensity, "please tell me I'm not dreaming."

Alice pressed her lips to his intently, so happy to see him again after being apart for longer than they ever had been before, "proof enough?"

Newt hummed, "might need a bit more evidence later," he smirked that smirk of his and God she had missed it so much, even if she could replay it in her mind it didn't equate to the real thing. His eyes were full of worry when he, like Thomas, brushed over the blue bruise on her cheekbone but she just told him not to worry. Newt wrapped her into one last tight hug before he cut her out of the shackles that held her to the crate.

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