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"we can't let her expertise to go to waste and lose someone with her skills to a job like gardening

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"we can't let her expertise to go to waste and lose someone with her skills to a job like gardening. no offence newt."
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Light filtered through the thatched roof and onto the eyes of the unconscious body of the girl who had ran in from the Maze and collapsed into a new area that she was completely unfamiliar with. The light brought her consciousness to the surface, but her eyes were too heavy for her to pry open, so she had to settle with keeping them closed.

There were words being spoken to the side of her, and as the ringing of her ears had subsided, she was able to listen in, "she's very dehydrated, probably as she ran for several hours, hard, and had no water left." There was a rustling to her side which Alice assumed was someone displaying her empty water bottle.

"Hours? I can't imagine running for that long." An accented voice spoke on the other side of her, it stirred an image in the back of Alice's mind – of someone that meant a lot to her once and someone that she should know.

An angry sound erupted from the person who had been talking first and he continued talking, "she's pulled almost all of her muscles past her pelvis, likely from the strain," A cold hand poked against one of her calves and it spasmed harshly, causing Alice to groan in pain and attempt to turn away from the unwelcome hurting sensation. "Sorry." The voice muttered as they moved away from Alice.

Nearby, there was the sound of rustling, as though someone was crossing their arms, "More to the point, she's going to be alright?" It was the accented voice again and Alice relaxed at the sound of it. She placed it as an English accent, Rosa had a Spanish accent, but it always took a while for Alice to place them.

"Yes," the 'doctor' spoke again, Alice started finding it harder and harder to keep herself above the surface of her consciousness, darkness started threatening to pull her back under, "she should be out until tomorrow evening, you best keep an eye on her, or she might try and run back into the Maze."

She was out cold from that point onwards.

Around her, movement was still moving around out in the field and inside the hut too. Clint, the 'doctor' left the blond boy, Newt as Alice would later learn, alone in the room with Alice.

His eyes moved over her face and they caught on the necklace that was around her neck, Newt had noticed it earlier when he carried her over to the hut before placing her down onto the cot. A feeling that was becoming increasingly common around this mysterious girl was a feeling of recognition, which made no sense as they had no memories inside of their heads.

"Do I know you?" Newt asked the unconscious girl, even knowing that he wouldn't be able to get an answer. He settled himself down to keep an eye on her to make sure that she wouldn't slip past him.

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Alice was brought to the surface of consciousness again and fluttered her eyes open slowly until they were completely open. She took in her surroundings as her body screamed at her to stop moving when she was so sore, her running bag and other materials were placed on the bench next to where she was laying. On unsteady legs, Alice slipped her pack back on and tied her knife garter back onto her leg along with pulling her wrist guards on.

Losing Game - Newt [The Maze Runner]Where stories live. Discover now