John Lennon - Jealous Guy

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Your lovely comments really motivate me to write! you guys are the sweetest❤️


"You always fucking do this!"

To say you were livid would be a complete understatement. But then, being in a relationship with John was a series of angry outbursts recently.

He didn't answer. Instead, he closed the door that the two of you had just stormed through. You had both returned from lunch with some of yours and John's friends and somehow he had through it appropriate to make awful comments and start arguments the entire time.

"Do what? I didn't do anything, it's your own fault. You want to flirt with every Tom, Dick and Harry like a-" He hissed back at you, pulling off his shoes and not sparing you so much as a glance.

"-Like a what? Say it."

He swallowed harshly but didn't speak a single word. Maybe it was better not to know.

I was dreaming of the past
and my heart was beating fast

There was a long silence between the two of you. John didn't know what to say and you just refused to speak until your boyfriend came up with a good reason for his terrible behaviour. Yet no reason came.

"I can't keep pretending like the things you say and do aren't awful. Y-you always say the most horrible things."


"But nothing! I don't understand, John. I haven't done anything to deserve this."

I began to lose control
I began to lose control

He grumbled under his breath and the exhaustion you had just felt from the last argument disappeared as you prepared for a new one. After all that was most of the relationship nowadays.

"What? Go on, say exact what you're-"

"You were being a proper little tart in there. Anyone could see it. Jim was loving it. Flirting with him like that." John spat out.

"I was n-"

"You were! You talked to him all night."

Honestly, had it come to having to explain the difference between a conversation and flirting? Because if every conversation was flirting then apparently you'd been seducing a lot of bloody people. Though it probably wasn't worth saying this out loud.

You could practically feel your heart give in at the thought of John being like this forever.

I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry

"Maybe you ought to ask his wife who was sat beside him the entire time, if I was trying to shag her husband!" You reply, venom lacing your voice as you walk away from the man.

John was seething at your anger. Not that he had any right to be angry in the first place.

"Louise wouldn't know. You're sneaky like that." He replied, hot on your heels. Deciding to follow you around and spout abuse at you was a really good idea of him. Honestly, one of his best. Unbeatable.

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