Joe Mazzello - Workplace Nightmare

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may i just say i fancy the fuck outta joe mazzello.


It was busy and high pressure on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody. Your job was to make sure the costumes were in good shape for continuity between takes and when changed out of. This meant you had lots of interaction with the cast. Joe didn't like it... mostly because Ben flirted with you. Gwil did too, if he squinted. Rami was more interested in Lucy. But Lucy flirted with you too! He found you sweet and quick witted and Joe thought that was nice at first but overtime that has boiled over into distaste. He'd decided you were a kiss ass. Always getting on at them about their costume's quality. So he'd started being snarky. It had started with just a single exchange that made you start avoiding him more and more.

The first time he'd snapped had been like pushing a boulder down a hill.

"Hey Joe, could you just be a little bit more careful taking the bass guitar off? It's just that you almost took a button with it last time!" You laughed lightly as you spoke.

"Gimme a break." He sneered under his breath. But it was a small room and everybody heard it.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just trying to do my job-"

"Yeah, well so am I, I'm tired and I don't wanna hear your voice. Okay?"

"Okay. Sorry."

Everyone stared at him, confused as to why he was being so rude. Gwil apologised to you on Joe's behalf. They'd never seen him like that and you had watched him interact with the other cast members, so assumed he'd be just as lovely with the crew. That wasn't the case. With you anyway. Then it wasn't rude. It was just flat out nasty.

"Where's my costume?" He asked, no polite tone around his words.

"Oh, I don't-"

"If you don't know, then why are you working in costume?"

You would try to leave a room whenever he entered it and for some reason that pissed Joe off even more. Everything you did pissed him off so it seemed, even if you weren't really doing anything. The worst thing was the friendliness from the other boys, that part he really didn't like. You were impartial to it but you knew it made Joe angry. Like the time you were buttoning up Ben's shirt...

"I'll leave the top two buttons undone."

"You're eager, (Y/N), buy me a drink first." He replied cheekily.

You'd scoffed and laughed at him as he smirked and grinned away. He knew you were trying to enhance a character he was portraying but Ben liked to flirt with everyone, whether it be you or one of the boys.

"I'm pretty sure there's something in the rule book about undressing your superiors." Joe had entered the room silently and made the biting comment.

You didn't reply, just quietly left the two of them alone. It was common to see you fleeing the same room Joe had just walked into. He made you far too angry and you often wanted to cry when you were angry, so had to excuse yourself before any tears filled your eyes.

"We're not her superiors. And I'm not about to explain to you how crew works. Get your head out of your arse, she hasn't done anything to deserve that." Ben bit back.

"Except walk around like she owns the place, try to jump into bed with half the cast, and nag me about every little-"

"She's doing her job. Walk around like she owns the-? When has she ever done that? And trying to 'jump into bed' with us? Really? She's literally just working."

He knew that. He knew that you weren't there for him and he knew that you did everything you could to stay away from him. But for some reason that annoyed him too. Not long after you started avoiding him, he began all of the petty comments.

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