Roger Taylor - Rude Girl

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im feeling a bad gal (y/n) today hehe


The music industry was incredibly competitive. Your band had always struggled. After all, you consisted of three young girls and it was the mid 70's, the fight would always be intense. So far it had been dire. But now you were here. In a recording studio. It had cost an arm and a leg. And another leg. And a kidney. But it was worth it when you'd got there. 'Vineyard' wasn't just a passion project, you wanted to take it somewhere.

"Alright, can we run 'No Man's Land' and see how it sounds paired with the isolated vocals I did earlier?" Elise asked yourself and your other band member; Millie.

"Yeah sure, sounds good." You agreed, moving the capo on your guitar.

Elise was your front woman and a damn good one. She had a gravely, powerful voice which challenged many stereotypical female artists of the time. Millie was your drummer, she only began learning the instrument so she could join a band but that was years ago now and she was doing great. You didn't have a bassist but when your songs called for bass lines, you quite easily stepped in.

The three of you turned to the producer, ready to tell him your were ready. He glanced at your from behind the glass and began pulling a curtain across the glass as someone out of your view spoke to him. You were all confused. What was he doing?

"Excuse me?" Elise called out. The door to the studio opened and the producer stepped in.

"What's the problem now?" You follow up, in a low and biting voice. He was awful, this guy. And you made no effort to hide that you thought so. He wasn't particularly polite either.

"Ladies, I need you out."



"Girls, we have huge deals with massive artists. One of those artists has asked for an extra studio. And what Queen want, Queen get." He explained in a dismissive and patronising tone.

"Queen are here?" Millie asked, looking around frantically.

You didn't care if THE Queen was out there, you would rather have the time you'd paid for than get excited to meet the people that cost you two hours of work. You had a bar shift tonight so couldn't come back. You had lives too, this day worked for you all and now it was being given to someone else?

"Fine, another day then. But we want our money back first."

"No refunds, you know that." He did not just- Oh he'd wish he never said that.

"It's not a refund, if we didn't get what we paid for, you jerk-off. I'm done with the holier-than-thou attitude you've given us since we walked in. If you aren't going to allow us the time we paid for, you're going to give us our money back," You got up into his face. Unaware of the new arrivals in the doorway, you continued. "You wanna deny us basic respect? Go a-fucking-head. But you might want to reconsider stealing from me, before I start playing debt collector-"

"Mr Roberts, I would pay them back if I were you." The sheer shock of being in Freddie Mercury's presence was insane but you didn't say anything to him. Instead you continued with your threat that you'd need to get in there in order to make your point.

"I am about four minutes away from smashing every window in this building." You add.

"Fine! You can take your damn money and get the hell out of my studio!" He huffed and stomped his stout little body out of the room. You guessed you probably weren't welcome back.

With a sigh, you turn back to your girls and roll your eyes. You'd forgotten all about the other band whilst checking that the girls weren't mad at you for kicking off like that. After all, you probably had just caused you to be banned from the studio you'd spent months saving for. So that wasn't great...

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