Brian May & Roger Taylor - May The Best Man Win

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It was safe to say that Roger had never liked you. You didn't know why. He just didn't.

"Right yeah, nice one, Y/N. So now we have three rooms and there's five of us. Bloody five! You have got to be kidding me." You didn't know what to say as Roger kicked off. You were told there were enough rooms in this shitty little hotel in the middle of nowhere when you had called but there must've been a mixup. You're definitely not going to be taking the fall of this.

"Will you relax, Rog? It's just like our University days, I'll bunk with John and you'll go with Brian." Freddie spoke up.

"Actually, one of these rooms is in a completely different wing of the hotel. I'm not comfortable with (Y/N) being on her own three floors and eleven corridors away, this place is a bit weird," Brian had figured out the hotel very quickly and seemed to have decided on the best course of action. "Plus, It's a single room. Roger refuses to take single beds, so I think that means John or I will be in that one."

"So I'm sharing a room with-"

"Grow up, yes you are." Freddie had no sympathy for the stupid blonde ball of temper. He was tired and didn't care where he slept after being on the road for so long.

Though clearly Roger wasn't your biggest fan, the rest of the boys had taken to you a lot whilst you were still John Reid's personal assistant, so much so that you soon became theirs too. Your job was to make bookings and make sure everyone knew where they had to be in time, which they never did arrive on time but they were budding rock stars. No one expected them to do as they were told anyway. It was Freddie's decision to make you the bands personal assistant. As soon as he saw you roll your eyes behind Reid's back at the mention of working late he simply knew you'd get along and you did. You loved Freddie, he was talented as he was kind. John was a sweetheart from day one but it took him some getting used to having a girl around, not that he was against having you there, he was just a bit awkward. John enjoyed your company very much and was usually the first to notice if something was wrong.

Now onto more the complicated matters of Roger Taylor and Brian May.

The boys had enjoyed your quick quips at shutting down Roger when he first began his flirting, they thought maybe that would just attract him to you more but apparently it didn't. Roger went the opposite way and now didn't even look at you. If he did happen to glance at you his eyes were full of distaste or embarrassment.

Brian, on the other hand, was your friend and well- you just loved him, there wasn't much else to say. There were so many words to be said between you and Brian but neither of you could say them. Call it fatal attraction. Call it love, if you like. It didn't matter what kind of love, it was a kind of unspoken adoration.

"Right, well this is it. So I'm obviously sleeping in the bed, I take it you're gonna be on the sofa?" Roger quietly asked, as the two of you both look directly towards the queen size bed, which was clearly big enough to fit the both of you but Roger wasn't a fan of you and you didn't want to argue.

"Uh yeah." You mumbled, pacing over to it, feeling Roger's eyes on your back.

"You don't have to."

"Don't have to what?" When you turn back around, Roger is staring at you. He looks like he's going to add something else but changes his mind quickly. It was awkward but you don't dare to speak up around him a lot of the time, he could be quite mean.

It made you uneasy when he was around.

"Anyway, I think everyone is going out tonight. No doubt you'll be back before me so don't wait up will you?" He tosses his bag onto the bed and paces back out.

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