John Lennon - You Don't Get Me

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John had left you. You weren't his wife. You were his fiancé. But you still thought you had meant more to him given that you were the mother of his only child.

It was a late night in the 60's. When your little boy was tucked up in bed and the two of you 'had to talk'. That's when he'd said he 'couldn't do it anymore.' He had been pulling away for a couple of months and spending more and more time away. You weren't stupid and you had your suspicions as soon as you'd noticed. 

"Is it someone else?" You dreaded to ask but you just had to know.


"Have you met someone else?" You repeated, quickly, to rip the bandaid off.

"Yes." He answered, quietly.

John was never one to show his emotions so you decided to do the exact same thing. Pretend it doesn't hurt and maybe it won't. But it did. It was like your life was losing a massive piece of it.

"Alright. Well I'm sure you can explain all of that to Jacob, can't you? Because I'm not going to." You spoke calmly, arms crossed and leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Yeah. I will." He nodded, softly.

"Good. Where will you go tonight?"

"(Y/N), I'm always gonna look after you-" That enraged you. You'd always been able to separate the man from the rockstar. But the idea of your son being his dirty little secret was too much now. If he wasn't going to raise his son, he wasn't worth your good graces, and you had a terrible feeling he would leave your child's life too.

"You don't need to do that. I'm more than capable." With your words, you removed the pretty engagement ring from your steady hand and offered it to him.

John made no move to take the ring from you. Obviously he knew you were taking it off, he could see that much, but he couldn't follow it with his eyes, it was like he just wasn't able to. There was something so incredibly real about watching you take off the ring. He couldn't do it.

"No, I will. I'll make sure you're both alright," You shook your head at his words. He couldn't read your blank expression. John had thought he'd been so good at hiding it but it seemed like you were expecting this. The ring remained between the two of you, in your hand. You urged him to take it with your eyes, gesturing to a couple of times, but he still didn't move. "Keep it."

"I don't want it. The only thing I want that you gave me, the only thing, is Jacob and if you abandon him too-"

"I won't. I swear I won't," He took the ring hesitantly, putting it into his jacket pocket. "So I don't have a plan but I think I'm gonna come by and get my-"

"Let yourself out, John."

You left the kitchen, silently. And John found his heart was beating a lot faster than he had thought it would.


Almost a year later, John came by your two bedroom house to see your boy for the first time in two months. You'd read in the paper that him and his girlfriend had gone their separate ways. Honestly, you felt nothing. What a meaningful connection they had. Worthy of leaving his child behind apparently. How ridiculous.

Now he could find time for your son, could he?

You stepped into the room and find John on the floor playing with Jacob. Your Mum had watched J while you were at work and she had dealt with John in your stead a few times, over the past year. Now, you were face to face again. When he noticed you, he stood up very quickly.


You'd have to be civil as he was still J's father and you couldn't take that away from him. Civil wasn't particularly difficult for you, considering you came into contact with people you despised daily and had to be civil with them. But you didn't despise John, you were just so awfully disappointed in him that it felt like hatred sometimes.

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