John Deacon - Dread - Part 2

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It had been three days. When it came to who Eva went to in this situation, it was always going to be Brian. She didn't want her family to know just yet. The band were probably the most reachable. Freddie and John were close and Roger would always defend John first, of course she would never blame them for that. Brian, however, was never afraid to see the fault in someone's actions despite their friendship. That and she'd always got on well with his wife, Chrissy.

"I know that you don't want to but you need to." He told her.

Eva knew she'd have to move out of John's house properly if this was the end. Which it would seem it was. She'd never heard John sound so serious. After hearing him on the phone, Brian had sent Roger to see how their bassist was. His response had been simply been that he was 'not good'.

"Don't you think I should ask first? I can't just turn up at his house anymore."

"It's your house too, Eva." She just shook her head whilst she paced around the room, talking to her most rational friend.

"No, it isn't. It's my home but it's still his house. I didn't buy it. Nothing is in my name. I hate the idea of walking around and feeling like a stranger in my own home. I really don't want to go, Brian." She buried her face in her hands and leant forwards on the table she was sitting at.

Brian sighed, failing to find a point to make that would remedy the situation.

"I could come with you?"

"You could go for me?"

"You need to see him, love, there's no way of knowing how things are going go if you don't talk. You should try and be on good terms. For your own peace, if nothing else." Of course, Brian was right. But given what happened three days ago, she didn't want to.

Eva couldn't bear the thought of standing there and listening to awful things being thrown at her again. And by John. It would kill her. She had prided herself on finding an assertive bone in her usually-passive body, standing up to him before she'd left and refusing to hear idle apologies. She respected herself for that, despite wanting to be next to him the entire time. That was the healthiest thing she couldn't done for her future self and she was reaping the rewards from it a little already.

"I know." The sigh she let out was more telling than the actual words.

"You owe it to each other to close your relationship gently," With the amount of giving and caring Eva had done for him in the past few months, she really didn't owe him anything. But before that, they had been more in love than the couples in cinema adverts. The honeymoon period came and went but they remained evan other's favourite human being. When he started to slip, he'd always tell her it wasn't her fault and that he just needed a bit of down time. That became less frequent, which was alright. But then it became not at all. Silence and doubt for month, being on edge and feeling anxious in her own home for months. So really, she didn't owe him anything. "That way you can both put your minds to rest, yeah?"

"Okay, I get it," Eva replied, burying her face in her hands. Seeing John again was going to unbelievably awkward but Eva knew that Brian's presence would make it even weirder. "Maybe I should go alone."

"Well, I'll drive you and wait in the car, okay? It'll be alright. When did you want to go?"

Eva thought about it for a moment. She knew she was never going to be ready to deal with this. Not really. But it had to be done so that she could begin to heal and move on.

"Let's just go now."

And she was dreading it.


It had been the longest three days of John's life. He got out of bed everyday to sit by the door and wait. Hours of waiting, fully dressed for if she did come home. Then she'd see a difference. And then she might stay. Of course, she wouldn't stay. What was he even trying to prove? No, he was proving to her that he could live. Then maybe...This was never going to work.

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