George Harrison - The Break Up

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Thanks for all the support from you guys, it's really keeping me motivated:) Keep the requests coming💋

This is short lol couldn't really go anywhere with it.

It's basically just a conversation.


You met George during Beatlemania, however it wasn't you that was obsessed with him. It was very much the other way around. As soon as he saw you he decided he wanted to talk to you. You were an assistant on their tour. Of course you were skeptical, he was was madly famous and you were not about to jeopardise an ideal job. So you'd made it clear you were not a groupie. He'd laughed and asked you out officially when the tour was done.

It had taken some begging and pining. He'd asked you to meet him at midnight, sent flowers, sent notes, he'd even written you a song; everything he could think of had been done.

When you eventually said yes he was thrilled and vowed to never let you go.
He made that vow again on your wedding day. You'd been married for nearly 4 years with a baby was on the way soon.

Then the band broke up.

Since you'd only ever known George when he was in The Beatles; it was a huge part of his life and now, yours. But when the boys spilt up it was like a piece had gone and George didn't know how to feel. You had spoken to all of them since the news hit the public. John had told you to not be strangers, that you were both still family. Ringo had said he'd come meet "Baby Hazza" as soon as it was born. Paul hadn't said much, he'd chosen a much more confrontational route and had a very rocky split from the others but he wished you the best all the same.

It was taking some real effort to pull George out of his anger and depression.

"Have you heard John's song? 'I don't believe in Beatles', what's all that shit about?" he was ranting and pacing around the living room of your lovely home.


"There's nothing to not believe in! We weren't a myth or a legend or a fucking concept." You didn't understand what part of the song had upset him so much but you certainly weren't afraid to give your own opinion on it. It wasn't bad song, after all.

"I liked it."


"Yeah, he believes in himself. There's nothing wrong with that is there?"

"And Yoko." He practically spits out her name like it tastes bad on his tongue. Maybe it did, with how much George disliked the woman. Honestly, you had only met Yoko three or four times but you didn't find her too bad, she was just quiet.

"Leave her alone." You say through a laugh.

"She's got John on a tight leash-"

"He loves her and he's started a new stage in his life and career. I think it's exactly what you all need to do." You Play stand over your bump and stopped watching George pace up-and-down the room as if you were at Wimbledon.

Your husband sighs and sits down right in the middle of the floor. there's one thing you learnt about George earlier on it was that he really like to sit on the floor. At first you thought it was something to do with feeling more grounded, or maybe meditation but when you'd asked him about it a couple of years ago, he didn't have an answer. He just really liked sitting on the floor for some reason.

"I get where you're coming from but Paul's on a power trip, all John cares about is that banshee and Ringo could get hit by a parked car because he's a fool."

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