John Lennon - Meant To Be

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Request from @emylennon
2: You belong to me
10: Always have, always will
17: I've never met anyone like you and i've met a lot of bloody people

Requests are OPEN! I think i've got through all of the current ones?

Being with one of the greatest musicians was just one of those things. It sounds like a dream. And surprisingly, it actually was. John managed to protect you from the insanity of Beatlemania whilst simultaneously showing you off as much as he could. You'd moved in together. The house was incredible. Everything was good.

He'd come home from the studio at 5pm every night, like clockwork and you'd be there, having spent your day either at work or just by yourself. Today was no different.

"It's chuckin' it down with rain!" John called out as soon as he opened the door. His hair was wet and he looked flushed from walking in the cold as he came into the kitchen.

You greeted him with a kiss as usual, going to pull away so you could ask him how his day had been. But his arms locked around your waist and pulled you closer, keeping you locked to his lips. You laugh into the kiss and feel him smile too.

"Miss me much?" You ask, finally pulling away.

"Always," John slips his shoes off and follows you around, talking your ear off about his day as he usually did. "It's just been a really long one today. Didn't make it on to any of my new stuff, we've been running Paul's songs all day. I'm not complainin' but it'd be nice to actually work on some of mine. George has a couple too but he daren't show Macca yet, he always tries to change things around."

"Did you finish anything?"

"No, nothing. That's the frustrating part, we did all that and got nothing out of it. I'm telling ya; Paul only becomes a perfectionist when he thinks it'll piss us off." He rolls his eyes.

"What did the others say?"

"George tends to side with me when it comes down to it. Ringo doesn't even know where he is half the time." John sighed. You chuckled, focused on the meal you're trying to create. John sits on the kitchen counter, slightly in the way but you enjoyed his company.

"You're mean to him."

"You always stick up for Ringo."

"Someone has to." You glance at him and see his smile. He hums in agreement and amusement. John likes that you get along with his friends, that you take an interest despite knowing very little about the industry he works in.

You tell him a little bit about your day, but it had been uneventful and there wasn't a lot to tell. That and you kept forgetting what you were saying as cooking meant you got a little bit preoccupied. After a while you just hummed and carried on with what you were doing as John remembered something else he had to tell you.

"Oh also, Paul's got a new girlfriend."

"Yeah?" You look up.

"Linda. She's quite nice actually." He tells you. You whistle, jokingly.

John didn't really like it when the boys had girlfriends, despite the fact he's been with you for many years. He found that they were much more distracted and had less free time. Both things have been true for him, he'd cancelled studio time on multiple occasions if you ever got to day off work, in favour of a day out with you or to attend family events on your side. He was doting to say the least.

"Think it'll last?" You raise an eyebrow, both of you looking as cynical as the other.

"Never know with Macca. But I wouldn't mind if it did. She's a big shot photographer and it seems like she's just as busy as him. Won't get in the way." He shrugged.

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